
01 April 2016

Project Life {Weeks 5-8}

I promise to post more than just my project life pages, such as Lo 7.0, Easter, MWs first soccer "game" and just general catch-up things. However, my focus is trying to catch-up on my scrapbooking. I have said this 100x but this is just one of my main priorities to stay on top of, so a lot of other things get put on the back burner, while I am on project scrapbook catch-up.

So without further ado PL2016

 photo January week 5_2016.jpg

First gymnastics meet.

 photo Lo First gym meet Heart of Gold 2016.jpg

 photo January week 6 2016.jpg

 photo Lo 2nd gym meet Andover All start meet 2016.jpg

 photo January week 7 2016_edited-1.jpg

 photo February Week 8 2016.jpg

Someone turned 7 this week.
 photo Lo is 7 years old_edited-1.jpg

I have always wanted to make videos on how I scrapbook and how I get it accomplished quickly, stay on task etc...hopefully I can get that going sometime soon. I know I find myself watching lots of different youtube videos learning tons of great ideas from organization to just daily living.

I am really loving my process this year and after nearly 7 years of digital scrapbooking I feel like I finally found the perfect system and flow. Insert praise hands.

Coming soon scrapbooking videos.

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