
15 August 2013

Leighton 4.5

Ah, my baby girl is 4.5 today.
What bothers me the most about this milestone is today is the first day of school. AND the first day of her last year at home with me. This may be sadder than her actual first day of kindergarten next year?!?!?! However, she is currently refusing, adamantly against going to kindergarten next year. Micah on the other is begging to go. Wonder if his tune will change in 2 years?!

Yesterday Chad and I ran up to the school for Chad to finish up last minute class prep and she was just sitting there on the curb, all grown up. In that moment my mind flashed back to when she was just a few days old and we carried her all bundled up in her car seat to meet Chad's co-workers. That seemed just like yesterday. You are my sweet, tender-hearted little girl. I love you so much and am proud of the little girl you are turning into!

Here is our 4.5 year old interview. Enjoy.
{note I didn't want to be in this video and she struggled looking at the camera rather than me : }


  1. I taught her how to spell GOD!! I told her to ALWAY capitalize the G!

  2. I love her!!!!!!!!!!!
    She is so precious to me!!
    I am really really sad to, it just cannot be true that they are about to leave us for school. I struggle with change:( It is just that once they start elementary they are gone most of the day and then comes middle school and they are too cool for us and then High School and way to busy with friends and sports and then they leave us for good going to college and then marriage and blah blah blah!! I have a hard time letting go:( Hugs sister momma!! I love you!!


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