
15 September 2009

7th Heaven

This past month has been just that, 7th Heaven! I don't know what it is but Leighton's personality has just exploded and changed so much this month. While I have always treasured the jewel that she is, we have had our ups and downs, but this month we are finally in a groove and I feel so much less stress being a mommy! She is getting so "easy" that I actually may consider having another one someday!

7 Months Old

Fun things we have learned this month:

*Putting herself into a sitting position.

This is what I found one day after nap time.
"Hi Mom! I am UP!"
We had JUST lowered her crib a few days before...and it is looking like we may need to lowered it again!!

*We are working more and more on solo play.
More like mommy is working on solo play...I feel so guilty if I am not playing with her all the time, like I am suppose to be constantly stimulating her or something, but I am learning she has a good time playing by herself and it is actually better for her that way!

We are actually getting ready to go to dinner out with friends for the first time in awhile!!

*Crawling backwards still! I am not sure the forward motion will ever come...question is do I want it to?! hmmmm...

*She is standing on her own while holding on to an object or hand and is starting to pull up on short objects. Since we are a little shorty ourselves we can't reach the couch or coffee table to pull up on. (This is coming with lots of bumps and "booms." :( )

*Took our first swing in the park! And LOVED it!

click play to watch, sorry about the terrible quality the video is from our digital camera.

*Learning to eat cheerios and cut up pincher grasp yet, but we are practicing. I was really nervous about the cheerios I was so afraid she would choke...but she does quite well at licking them off her hand! Ha! Plus, it gives her something to work on while I get our lunch or dinner together, sans screaming!

*Will grab her sippy and drink from it when thirsty.

Eating lunch at Cheddars with Grandpa Bill. She loves staring at those big fans!

*Lo is going down for naps so well! I can not remember the last time I had to let her "cry it out." I just hand her her poodle, she starts sucking her thumb and I lay her down and leave! And they last anywhere from 50 min- 1.5 hours!!! Progress! I think she is just tiring out with all her activities. (Still going to be around 630/7ish PM and sleeping until 630/7ish AM! Yea Baby Leighton!!)

Not exactly nap time, but this is a pretty good example of what nap time signs look like!

*We have our small group on Wed. nights starting back up again, and Grammy, Meg, and Grandpa (or some combo) come over to babysit and put Lo to bed and she is doing MARVELOUS! This is more of a yea mommy thing, because it is hard for me not to put her down but it is a good thing for both of us! Daddy even does it every other night too, so I can get a break. THANKS mom, dad and Meg for coming all the way over here to watch her, I know it is such a chore ;) Ha! But we do appreciate it!!!

We are having so much fun. And there is more fun to come especially since all the holidays are very quickly approaching!

Here are some too cute not to post pics! :)

She is into hats...that is pull them off!

29 weeks old and cute!

Daddy dressed me in boy clothes again, so I had to put my PINK cap on sideways so I could be cool!

Happy 7 Months to my beautiful and perfect daughter!
Love Mommy and Daddy


  1. Just LOVED this post!!! I LOVE her so much and it is so fun to see all these pictures of her and read what you are so funny!!

    She is beyond a BEAUTY and I just want to eat her up!!

  2. I love the photo of her in the swing with the pink hat! You should frame it!

  3. Is that a high chair cover in the cheddars pic? If so, where did you get it? I really like that one!

  4. She is adorable! I love the swinging pictures!

  5. Don't feel guilty about having her play by herself. Your job is to help teach her skills that will make her a successful adult. You don't want her to be needy all her life—or even at the age of 5. Remember to look at the big picture when you make the little day to day decisions. Helps with the guilt!!


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