
17 September 2009

Movin' on UP!

Leighton is moving on up...literally! She has been pulling up on me and Chad for days...well today during one of her non naps I sneaked in to check on her and found her trying to pull up in her crib, which cracked me up. Then during non nap number two I found this:

(I wanted to upload the video of her doing it...but it wouldn't load?!? :( so you will have to settle for pics!)
She is pretty PROUD of herself to say the least! HA!

Then she did it again for daddy when he got home...we wanted to watch her do it, was pretty funny! Oh the things babies figure out, they are smarter than we give them credit for!

Oy! She is just growing up way too fast! But I love every second of it and so blessed to be able to be home to witness all these firsts.

P.S. She IS napping a lot better...and took a great morning nap, but you can't "learn" things if you are constantly sleeping. HA!


  1. Big girl! I always loved it when my babies were standing up in their crib after a nap. So cute!

  2. what a funny baby girl!! I cannot believe it!! Well I am glad she brings so much joy to your heart.

  3. That is quite an accomplishment! I'm so glad that you are getting to stay at home with her and witness all the firsts. It's a time you will never forget! She's a sweet baby girl and I love her so much!
    Grandma Rachel <><


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