
19 November 2013

Tree of Thanksgiving.

When Toby died, I went into a funk. I had zero desire to get out any fall/halloween type decorations.

However, a few days ago I decided we needed to get into THIS season. The season of Thanksgiving. It is a stepping stone to prepare for Christmas. I realize this is an American holiday; but I think every culture has some sort of season of thankfulness. We need to prepare our hearts and take a moment to realize what God blesses us with each and every day. And His ultimate blessing--sending Jesus to Earth to create a way for us to get to God! My kids need to start looking around and finding things big and small to show gratitude.

Enter the Tree of Thanksgiving.
I collected some dead branches from our "forrest" out back, stuck them in a pretty can and called it a day.
Then I cut up construction paper in "leaf-esque" shapes, punched some holes and called it a day.
Each morning we all take a moment to write what we are thankful for. I have been amazed after only doing this a week that Lo and MW race up to the plate to get a leaf. Lo has so many things she is thankful for it is hard for her to narrow it down to 1-2 to put on the leaf. This makes any mom's heart happy. To watch your kids grasp the concept of gratitude. Even if some of the things they are thankful for are "giving up my toys; SO I can get new ones. :)" --Leighton. Or "Pat" {my weird pinch pot bowling guy statue sitting on the buffet from HS---what can I say I love Pat too buddy!} They are taking a look around and recognizing we have much to be thankful about!

Our Tree of Thanksgiving. {notice "Pat" by the lamp :)}

This is Lo's 'Toy' quote.

And our new chalkboard and print. "Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving and into His courts with Praise; Be Thankful unto Him and Bless His Name."~~ Psalms 100:4 
I made that cool chalk board {details to come}and I am proud of how it turned out! I am in a kitchen re-decorate mode. It has only taken me a year. 

Our lonely Fall decor. 

1 comment:

  1. I should post a pic to show you our blessing tree---funny how much we think alike some days:) Landrey LOVES it too!! I told her that her blessing tree might fall over with all the leaves she is adding. Love having a 4 yr old, so fun, so cute, co full of life!! CUTE chalkboard too!


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