
28 March 2014

The New P365 2014

Project 365 time.
Last YEAR I talked about how this is a project I love to hate.
It is a LOT of work and organizing...or maybe that is just me. I tend to over organize and analyze. I had an entire note pad full of dates, picture information, events etc to keep me on track when I would finally sit down to do it. Not to mention NEVER organizing my photos because I didn't want to forget something and creating additional photo folders just for P365. Yes, I am sure I made this too hard.
The POINT of this project is to just capture our lives. Plain {emphasis on PLAIN} and simple {probably should emphasize simple too!}. I knew there had to be a better way. Insert BlinkBuggy app/website.

I at first stumbled on it from a blog that was talking about ways to keep all your kids' fantastic artwork that we dare not part with and yet still part with it. ;) So the more I looked at this app the more I realized this is the perfect--plain and simple--P365 app.

Now that I am part of the cool club and have instagram and an iPod to catch all those daily photos, I just simply upload them to Blinkbuggy--add info, dates, tags etc and call it a day. You can record cute quotes from your kids--hello my "kids say the darnedest things" series, milestones and just moments you want to remember.

Now maybe you are thinking that's is this helping. Blinkbuggy is partnered with MILK books and therefore you can upload your blinkbuggy account straight to this photobook site. Now being the avid digi scrapbooker I am-- I am not really a fan of photo books, but remember we are going for plain and simple; and really for this project that is all I am looking for. I loved last year's pages, but I just don't have time for that AND all the "routine" pages I like to do throughout the year.

So here is just a quick screen shot of my book. So far I am happy with how "easy" this is. It took some playing around to figure it out, but now I am on a roll and I now have week 1-13 done in a matter of an hour vs days!

I know there are a lot of moms out there they may also find this useful and maybe you never take the time to actually create a book, but I do think it is a neat way to capture the memories for the year. Plain and Simple.

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