
12 February 2013

Turning up Our Doing Dial

Has anyone noticed my absence?
I feel blogged out or really my life just has nothing noteworthy to report is probably more like it. :)

I haven't slept in weeks now. Mostly because I have an ever growing project list in my head and if I sleep then the spinning plates will crash.
Write it down you say?! Brilliant. I do that, but the madness doesn't stop. I am sure it is a disease, to bad my husband hasn't caught it. ;)

I told Chad this Spring Break (which now that I have plans will be sure to rain and summer we are doing something. I have a list and if you don't get a job you will be put to work here with no pay. ;) Oh, kind of like my full time job. HA!

So my kids had birthdays...darn those things coming around once a year...AND Christmas. The toys.are.out.of.control. Seriously, I want to light a match pack them up and donate them ALL! I mean no one ever wants to play with anything, all they want to do is bother me while I cook dinner and work on our taxes, fight with each other, or better yet watch non-stop tv. {it's mostly educational. give me a break.} ;)

This weekend I took it upon myself to organize the mass chaos. I found shelving in our storage room and went to town. Shh...don't say anything, but momma got rid of some crap...that's what you get when you don't help. :)

Here is the before {round 2--since this is a NEVER ending project!}

I got this toy bin at the consignment sale last year for a steal! {Please note there are 3 THREE!! bins EMPTY!!!--no grandmas this does NOT mean they need more toys. ;) }

Horrible picture, but the closet. More shelving. I wish I could afford cute, fun, stylish shelves, but I can't and this works. I am actually putting this picture IN the closet so my kids {and husband/grandmas} can remember where everything goes. I did not work this hard and sweat to have it all messed up. :) I am so OCD type-A it can be frightening for those living here. I am sorry. :)

I do have a fun rack for the dress up clothes but it isn't hung up yet...ahem Chad. But it is SO MUCH better in there and there is room to play. I am fairly confident I heard a "Hallelujah Chorus" when I was done.
PLAYING!!!!!! They have been instructed for the 1073rd time that when they get out a toy they MUST put it back before getting out a new one...we shall see. I know when they are on their own they will hear my voice "a place for everything and everything in its place," much like I hear my mother's and THEN I will know I have done my job. :)

On another note Stevie The TV died a few weeks ago. It was very sad. We knew it was coming as "he" was sick for a few weeks prior, then one day I had to pull the plug...literally. It was peaceful and I am fairly certain "he" felt no pain.

Yesterday Stevie the III arrived. Now my tv-aholics can once again enjoy their programming.

I have lots of craft projects on my list and this was one of them.
Leighton wanted a bed/cradle for her babies for her birthday. A few months ago I stumbled upon this "diamond in the rough" at Goodwill and she was $4.99. Sold. I knew that a good coat of spray paint would give her new life. Seriously, spray paint is like magic.


No befores, but this is an "ugly" brown jewelry box I had from my childhood. I had been seeing on pinterest these fun new and improved "vintage" jewelry box make-overs. Lo has a ridiculous amount of "jewelry" already, so I breathe new life into this with a few coats of spray paint. 
Hard to tell but it is the same color as the cradle {off/antique white} and then I painted on the Tiffany blue since that doesn't come in spray paint form; distressed it a bit and then finished off the hardware with some metallic spray paint I just so happen to have. Yes, I have my own "spray paint" section in my's an obsession. 
I have a larger one I am going to do for her too and then may take on my own. My ultimate goal is to have this jewelry box "collage" in her room to store all her junk keepsakes.

Anyway, that is what has been going on here...exciting right?! I hope to have more home make-over done soon! I am ready to make this place MINE OURS. ;)

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