
05 April 2013

March in a Flash

Wow. So where did March go?! It is going to be summer break before we know it...of course it may feel like winter break if we can't get Spring to show up and stay! Although after the last two HOT summers, maybe that wouldn't be the worst thing. HA!

March Recap--
The kids were suppose to go to Papa and Grammy's one Friday night for a long awaited sleepover...things came up and they weren't able to go. Big bummer for them and us; Lo cried for days! To cheer her up we had a family fun night. Our first one! We went to Chick-fil-A, where MW was scared to death of the cow roaming around; followed that up with froyo from Mickey's Yogurt...very good, but those froyo places are SO pricey! Then we made popcorn and snuggled up on the floor and watched "How to Train your Dragon." What a cute cute movie!! Micah fell in love with the cute blonde Astrid...seriously, this kid has always had an affinity for blondes since he was 4 months old!! I don't get it because I am far from blonde...weird. He kept saying "where As-rid go?" over and over.

It was a really fun night...we will have to do it again soon!

Watching the WSU shockers play their Elite 8 game...on the kitchen floor. I have such weirdos for kids...

Mr. Cool

In between snow storms we get these beautiful glimpse into Spring! So we hit up the parks. 
MW loves to swing from bars like a monkey into oblivion. Of course whenever we try and capture it on film, he acts all "scared" and barely does it.

{sidebar}: When we were at the park there was another mom there and she just couldn't believe I would let him do that! She told me I was such a "relaxed" mom! I took it as a huge compliment. I can't stand hovering over children and not letting them flourish and do their thing. {no offense to those who do; it just not my style.} I know what my kids are and aren't capable of...when your kids have 3 broken bones between them before the age of 2 you learn they can survive a lot! Anyway, I smiled and said "thanks...but I have to be this way because daddy is enough of a helicopter parent for the BOTH of us! HA!"  {As daddy was running around the park watching MW's every move!}

Lo's new trick...sliding down the "fireman's pole!" Holy cow she is so big and brave. I was actually more proud of daddy for not hovering and letting her do it! Making progress daddy! :)

Of course MW needed a go at it too! 

Now bring on April and hopefully warmer, sunnier days! But we are not off to a great start. HA!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the kids are growing up so fast. What a fun movie night...... and precious family time! Good for you!

    Good to check in with you and your sweet family.


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