
23 August 2009


We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.
-Romans 6:4

Our church hosted their annual baptism service this Sunday. It was a Sunday of 300+ baptisms! Praise the Lord! It was so amazing to see all those people make their faith and belief in Jesus Christ public by being baptized! And two of those people who made this step are my sister Meg, and my hubby Chad! They were baptized together it was very special. Our whole family is so proud of both of them!

Meg and Chad getting ready to be baptized!

"Daddy, I am so proud of you!"

Video of Chad and Meg being Baptized!

After being up all morning and being SUPER SUPER good, Lo finally passed out in her car seat.
(she is turning into a little thumb sucker, it's pretty cute)

We had a ton of family there supporting the two of them!


  1. it was an AMAZING morning!! It makes me so happy that they got to share that together!! How fun and SPECIAL!! It was so much fun going out to lunch to, esp. since we were on the west side!! Haha I LOVE chad!! I will never stop laughing at him.

  2. Wow. Pretty cool, Michelle. Praising the Lord with you.


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