
09 May 2011

Look What I did!

I am pretty proud of myself. I think graphic design is so cool. But sadly I lack any talent {and education} to be a true graphic designer. However, when I do figure out these few little things it makes me happy. I love to learn how to do new things.

My blog. I designed the background by myself, well following THIS guidance to make it work.
I learned last year how to design my own header but never how to do my own background. So yay, for something new!
side note: The picture in my header was taken by the awesome Ginger Skillen Photography!

Another thing I love about digi scraping is all the cool things you can do quickly with it.
My background took my 15 minutes to design.

I made toy room storage bin labels in 15 minutes.

I designed Lo's birthday invites using digi scrapbook stuff in 5 minutes

as well as Micah's birth announcements in 5 minutes.

Do you realize how expensive birth announcements are. Seriously that alone paid for my photoshop. I got 65 birth announcements and 10 birthday invites for around $11 total!

And in the last week maybe two I have gotten Micah's scrapbook {post to come soon} done through month 2 and well into month 3! He will be 4 months next Monday. Again yay me! Sometimes you are the only one to pat yourself on the back. :)

Just a few more fun ways digi scrapbooking has come in handy for me. I hope you like my new blog layout, if not don't tell me it will hurt my feelings. :) I still have some tweaking to do, such as getting my blog roll re-listed {so if you get left off my blog roll, please let me know...mommy brain is still in full effect.} Why does it do that? So annoying. But it is a start! One day I will master you HTML! :)


  1. I'd give you one big pat on the back if I were there for getting that much of Micah's scrapbook done. I'm still stuck at 17 months for Katelyn. I was getting close until she had to go and turn 2 on me! One of these days! Can't wait to see it all!

  2. The new blog layout looks great! Way to go girl!

  3. I love it!!! Like really LOVE it!! Do mine do mine!! You deserve a HUGE applause for all you are doing to document your kids lives!!

    I really should get on your digi scrap booking wagon BUT really I am super dumb!! Please don't say I can do it, b/c the bottom line is I NEED someone to walk me thru it VERY slowly!! Just like you had to baby step me thru the whole blog world!

    WOW!! Just love the blog--it is so cool and my fav colors too!!
    O yes and your last statement about conquering HTML made me laugh out loud!!

  4. Way to go Michelle!!! I think it looks great! And I love looking at your scrapbook pages. (Do you make Chad look at every single one? I always make Shane and fully need kuddos for them. He's learned to just expect it since he is learning just how much effort I put into them!)


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