
30 May 2011

The Plight of the Second Born

I love Micah I do.
But if you look at his picture folder(s) you would find maybe 30 pictures of him each month.
Lo had 30 pictures each DAY!

Now in our defense most of those are bad and should have been deleted, but who deletes a picture of you precious baby's face? :)

I also feel like every time I blog it is about Lo and rarely about Micah.
I swore I would be fair. But I realize that is an impossible dream.
Everything Lo does is new and first. Everything Micah does is so yesterday. I don't run to get my camera because he moved like I did with Lo. I know he will move again. I will capture it next time. Sorry Micah. We do love you and we are trying to get just as excited about your long as your sister isn't distracting us with something "new" she is doing/saying.

Man being a parent is rough.

So I am uploading a video of Micah AND Lo {of course because she is under the impression it is always the Leighton show}. It is long but I was finally able to capture him rolling over. So this is for you my Micah bear.

MW rolling over from Michele Keethler on Vimeo.


  1. yay to rolling over!! so fun :) and yes i totally wish we lived closer too.

  2. Do you live inside my head?!?! I was literally just thinking the other day how I don't have as many pictures of Ellie and I don't put as many pictures of her on the blog, but they ARE more boring just laying around. I almost didn't document her first cereal, knowing she would eat it again and I could get a picture next time. I love my baby girl, but I'm ready forher to be a 2yo too so we can do lots of fun stuff!

    Awesome that he is rolling over, strong little dude!

  3. oh yeah, I like how you said you can't delete pictures on your camera. i do the same thing, in fact yesterday I went through and deleted dumb pictures and some of the girls I just had to leave, because like you said, what mama deletes their children!

  4. Oh, I promise you it will all level out over time and Micah will never know the difference. :o) Blessings!


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