
16 December 2011

Micah 11 Months {Watch Me Grow}

This time of year always makes me sentimental. I find myself reminiscing about all that was going on last year at this time. I find it hard to believe that it has nearly been a year since your birth. In so many ways it feels like it has been 2 years already, time flies... I have been looking forward to you being one since about 2 weeks after you were born! HA! Momma isn't a fan of the newborn thing, I love toddlers and their independence.

{somehow this month I have taken nearly zero pics of anything including you! :( }

Milestones: You are waving 'bye-bye' now. You are so close to walking. You are up to 3/4 steps and trying all the time now and everything is a walk toy to you; chairs, step stools, books. My Christmas wish is you will be walking by then?! And you are playing peek-a-boo with us. I also think you are cutting 4 new teeth! Wow.

Language Skills: finally making some consonant sounds such as "dada, baba, mama and gaga." You even make "vroom vroom" noises with your toy cars. Such a boy. You sort of sign "milk" and you definitely sign "all done." I have got to work on this harder with you, I am sick of all the melt downs. :/

Just this Wednesday the kids and I were hit hard with a tummy bug. Poor MW can't throw up due to his sx, so it was hard to know how bad he felt, until daddy snapped this picture. Poor baby.

Eating: You eat 3 meals/day plus 2 snacks. You drink 3-4 bottles {officially weaned!}. You still prefer your milk over foods. I am adding cow's milk to your bottles to help transition you over and starting to give you more and more sippy cups to get you off your bottle. So far all of this is going well. However, the first time I gave you cow's milk you started drinking it. Stopped. Looked up at me like what he heck is this stuff? First my breastmilk is gone now this?! Then you shrugged it off and continued drinking it. HA! It was too funny.

Sissy likes to take it upon herself to feed you! Some of it does make it to your mouth.

Sleeping: Ah the big topic. I have dedicated an entire post to just this, but if you missed it here is the short and sweet of it. You are a terrible sleeper at night. Your bedtime is 630p and while you are still waking some at night we are in progress of sleep training you and you are to put yourself back to sleep. So far so good. The last few nights I haven't heard you wake up, so if you are you are not screaming you head off about it. PTL! You are up at 7a. And take two naps per day 830a and 1230p. They are about 1 and 2 hours long respectively.

Favorite Toys and Books: Mommy. You refuse to play by yourself for longer than 35seconds. I wish I were exaggerating. You want mommy to hold you standing. I try to engage you in play, but clearly that isn't your thing. You do great for everyone else. Everyone raves about how sweet and happy you are. I don't really get to see that side of you. On a occasion, because even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile, but overall you are just a little firecracker for me. Should have named you Aiden like I wanted. {Aiden means fiery--and if that doesn't sum up your fiery red head temper then I don't know what does, because it sure as heck doesn't sum up Micah.}

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do: When we were in the hospital for your surgery your day nurse would ask us if there were any engineers in the family?
I said "no why?"
"Because he has an engineers personality."

And those of you who have engineers in your circle know what that means! And it is true. You are so focused on figuring things out. You are precise with your movements and you can see your little brain actively figuring out what makes this tick. You love electronics most, so perhaps and electrical engineer?! You are fun to watch because your sister still doesn't even try to figure out how to work a problem out and here you are at 11 months giving it your all!

You love to throw your ball and then chase it like a little doggy.

Temperament: Everyone says how sweet, happy and content you are post-op. I still think you are a bit of a firecracker. There is a lot of truth to fiery red-heads. HA!

Stats: {to come later today. Thanks to this weeks tummy bug I didn't get him weighed we are now on monthly wt checks! :) Hip hip hooray!}
wt: 16#8z {0%} (up 1 measly pound in a month, but you are now as big as your sister was at a year with a month to spare! So right on track in my book.}
ht: 27in {1%}
diaper: size 3 swaddler {yes, swaddlers come in size 3 now! so is the small things ppl!}
clothes: 9m

Happy 11 Months Micah Bear!
We love you so much!


  1. I love that last photo...maybe a printed copy for Christmas? Grammy

  2. I heart him!!! cannot wait to get my hands on him!! What a sweet sweet boy!

  3. What a little sweetheart! Do hope he catches on to the sleeping and all continues to go well. I know you are beyond ready. Blessings to you and your sweet family this Christmas season.


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