
19 December 2011

Momma ain't got no sick day

I don't even know why I am sitting here at the computer when I have a bazillion things to do. As Leighton would say "llama llama such a tizzy, sometimes momma's very BUSY!" She hears that a lot! {Llama Llama Red Pajama Book}

Last week through a huge wrench into my plans b/c momma ain't got no sick days. Seriously, I think that is one of the hardest things to come to terms with once you become a mom. There are no sick days. I can handle the giving up everything else, but when all you want to do is hug your toilet and curl up on the bath mat and die, it is a little to much.

Wednesday the "great stomach flu" of 2011 hit with a vengeance. It is only by God's divine grace I survived Wednesday and tending to two kids until Chad got home at 415p. Every hour I got worse and worse. Normally Micah is attached to me like white on rice, but this particular day as I lay in the middle of the living room floor praying fervently for Jesus' return, I realized Micah was PLAYING by himself!! Miracle right here. Even Lo who is seriously the greatest toddler evah didn't ask her 1000 annoying inquisitive questions that day.

When nap time arrived I thought I had arrived. Just a few short long hours until Chad would be home to rescue me. Thankfully the kids both slept 2-2.5 hours. Only 1.5 hours of torture to endure. Pretty sure in that time I scarred my kids who so rudely busted through what I deemed a locked bathroom door. Nothing like trying to keep Micah away from his favorite toy: the potty while you are on your hands and knees. I am going to say it--I deserve a medal. ;)

Of course Lo who is a little on the dramatic side started gagging and saying she didn't feel well. I told her to just go lay down then. I didn't believe her. Big mistake. 10 minutes later she is re-living lunch all over the basement floor. Awesome. Two down. Sadly I couldn't even clean it up! Chad arrived home 15 minutes later to that mess. Thanks honey. You can have a medal too!

The rest of the evening was a blur. I was so dehydrated my arthritis was flaring up big time. Yes, I have arthritis at the tender age of 29, thank you gymnastics and cheerleading. Thankfully Chad stayed home the next day to help me recover. The closest thing to a sick day I got, even though I found myself taking care of everyone per usual. At least I got a few naps in. I pray it is a long time before I am that sick again!

By Thurs night Chad was hit. Lucky for him he is daddy and he can lay in bed all day. :) {I still love you!}

We all slowly recovering. This junk seriously messes with your GI system for days!
Lo woke up the next morning and said "I feel much better!"
"Awesome baby, I don't!"

Micah may have gotten it; he was one nightmarish diaper after the other for 4 days! Bless his heart due to his surgery he can't throw up--at least I thought. He did "puke" a very little bit on my guess is he got some form of it, at least his messes were mostly contained to the diaper and not my couch.

Now Christmas is here and I feel so behind. My house needs cleaned sanitized since I am hosting, last minutes gifts need to be purchased, food bought. The list goes on. Yet I sit here...time to get busy.

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