
11 December 2008

Seventh Month Pregnancy Reflection

I've started thinking about the nursery:
Started thinking, shoot, I am practically done! It is pink/black and white. I think it will be super cute.

I've been dreaming about you:
Sometimes imagining what you will look like and grow to be is all I can think about! I can't wait to hold you!

I used to love food! Now I avoid:
No aversions for me!

I never thought pregnancy would make me:
So hormonally crazy! I swear my emotions and hormones are all over the place!

I can't wait to:
Look into your eyes and hold you and hear your first cry!

My prenatal visit this month taught me:
Well, I failed the one hour GTT and had to get a 3 hours GTT (which is the worst thing I have ever made morning sickness look easy!)

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