
19 November 2009

65 in 365

I realize this is a bit early but in lieu of New Year's Resolutions (which I rarely ever do). I have seen this 65 tasks completed in 365 days.
So here goes nothing.

Starting Nov. 19th, 2009 through Nov. 18th, 2010 I have the highest aspirations to get this list completed. I need my blog to keep me accountable. Currently, my list is only 27 tasks...I can't come up with 65 but I will add to it as I think of things, but let's face it, I may be hard pressed to get these 27 things done. HA!

1. Finish Leighton's First Year Scrapbook/Photobook by Feb. 15th.
2. Submit RD portfolio
3. Do at least 30 continuing Eds
4. Get grocery budget to ~$150/mo.
5. Start exercising again...consistently!
6. Complete at least 4 personal Bible studies
7. Memorize at least 24 verses
8. Read at least 12 adult books. (ie not kid's books)
9. Finish decorating my basement
10. Start going on monthly dates w/ the hubs.
11. Get Meg's HS Grad "project" done (MAY)
12. Get my storage closet under control.
13. Try 1 new recipe a month
14. Volunteer at church
15. Research/Start own RD counseling career.
16. Get all loose photos organized in albums
17. Donate excess clothes and stuff (1x/ year).
18. Wipe clean my Mac computer and sell it.
19. Organize/consolidate office area.
20. Create and implement cleaning schedule.
21. Clean fridge 1x every 6mo.
22. Keep my photo site up to date
23. Host at least 2 family dinners
24. Start a vegetable garden
25. Paint the house trim
26. Clean out window wells.
27. Clean and organize garage.

Well there you have it...I am exhausted looking at the list. But it will feel good to have all of that behind me in a year!
I plan to update my progress every few months. I would encourage all my fellow procrastinators to try this out!

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