
28 June 2011

First Cereal

Micah is finally on cereal. Can I get a hip hip hooray!

You cried at first but that is because you were hoping to nurse not get thicken oatmeal cereal shoved in your mouth. Once you filled up on nursing and were happy I gave you some oatmeal cereal and you loved it. If you could have signed "more" you would have. My kids love to eat.

I have noticed that you are noticing the food we eat more and more so I am ready to dive into feeding full force. You get so excited when I put you in your bumbo and put your bib on, you are ready to chow down. Sometimes you get so excited you want to feed yourself because I am not moving fast enough.

Honestly, I am not a newborn baby fan, this stage we are entering with the feeding of real foods and starting to sit up and play is my favorite of this first year. The less dependent on me you become the happier mommy is.

You have already had applesauce and I am going to make up some carrots and sweet potatoes for you this week.

As Leighton would say "yay! Micah bear! big boy!"


  1. YAY! That is definitely a great milestone in the first year :) and so glad to hear he is taking to it well. How is his reflux problems? Are they getting any better now that he is on solids?


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