
09 August 2011

Not So Good Milk

Whenever I go to nurse my babies, I always ask them if they are ready for the "good milk." Breastfeeding for me was a cheap, convenient, and nutritious way to feed my babies {in that order}. When I nursed Lo it went fairly well, not too many problems aside from all her fussiness. Insert 18 long weeks of colic here.

Then Micah came along. Oh my word he was such a different story. We had latch issues, we had/have weight issues, we have spitting up issues and to add the cherry to this sundae we have have fussiness issues. Insert 6 long months of fussiness here.

So maybe my "good milk" isn't so great after all.

They are going to do what to me?
He has such big eyes.

I knew he had reflux from birth. I even requested meds for it in the hospital, which they refused me. I posted about his tummy troubles here, here oh and here. We have seen all sorts of specialists, the latest pediatric gastroenterologist finally got through to me that I needed to go off all dairy and soy {as most babies allergic to dairy are in fact also allergic to soy--something about them sharing similar protein structures}. This has not been easy for me. Do you know how much stuff has dairy in it? Or soy for that matter. But with the help and support of a bloggy friend who walked the road before me {thanks Kelley} I am doing it. (Side note: Micah doesn't take bottles so I can't switch him to a dairy and soy free formula, so this is all on me.)

It has been 2 weeks and I think I am finally seeing a difference in Micah. The rash on his face he has had since he was 6 weeks seems to be improving, his "seasonal" allergy symptoms are not as noticeable, and he has been off Singular and Prevacid for 3-4 days now and he is getting happier and happier by the day! Could this be it? He was suffering from a food allergy?!

I could kick myself for not following through with this sooner. I just couldn't get through my thick RD skull that he was allergic to dairy. I figured there would be more classic symptoms. If it turns out this is it I will be happy to finally have an answer, but so mad at myself for not doing something sooner.

Today we finally got the doc to order a blood allergy test to know for sure if this is his problem, so now I am anxiously waiting the results in a few days. Micah was a trooper through the blood draw. It is so hard to watch them scream in pain, but mommy was brave for her little man and didn't panic or cry. I just love that boy so much and want him to be all better.

Sporting his war wound bandage in cool green dinos.

So for the 100th time this is the latest on my little Micah bear.


  1. I hope you get the answers you need and many many kudos to you for pulling through. I gotta admit that I would probably just give up and fine a way to get him to take a bottle. You are such a trooper and I commend you!

  2. So glad to hear you are seeing improvements in him! It is amazing how quickly they bounce back. Babies are resilient so dont kick yourself too much for not doing it sooner. It is such a hard road to walk down when you are uncertain.
    Cant wait to hear what the results show...but even if they come back negative I'd keep at it since you already notice change, he may just have an intolerance which doesn't show up in test.
    You are an awesome Mama for doing what is best for you babe! Keep it up rockstar!


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