
16 April 2012

15 Months {Watch Me Grow}

15 months eh? The months just are flying by this year, pretty sure I just did the 14m post the other day. Did you know that you are now the same age Lo was when we found out we were knocked up with you?! NO. Well you are! Seriously people how nuts is that?! It really doesn't seem possible to me.

Side bar: And no it is not, nor will it ever be, "time for another." I mean it is currently baby season and everyone I know is having their baby or getting prego. There is a teeny, tiny, incy, wincy, miniscule part of me that goes "ahhh, maybe..." then Micah throws his usual Micah fits and I quickly snap back to reality and remember why we are done. HA! And just to be even more clear, there are WAY more reasons as to why I/we are done besides Micah being a tough kid. I was done long before he even came into this world. I digress...

Anyway, you are definitely full of life and energy. All boy and very willful. God help me raise him up to be willful for your kingdom. I definitely love you, and even though I thought I never, ever wanted to be a "boy mom" I actually really love it and look forward to baseball and soccer days, or whatever you do.

Milestones: Again not a lot has really changed, you are just getting more independent day by day. You definitely have an opinion on things and sort of quirky. Oh and you survived your first tornado {according to the news this morning it was an EF3 that rolled through}!! It got really bad here on Saturday {I missed the # this AM, but it was over 66 touched down throughout the day, we only had 66 for the whole year last year!}, praise God it skimmed on by, literally! 
Still only have 5 teeth broken through and a 6th on its way. 4.5 up top and 2 on bottom.

Language Skills: Unlike your sissy at this age you are quite the talker. Maybe others can't fully understand your "words" oh but I do. You now say "nuh nuh" {No}, "giafe" {giraffe}, "cacker" {cracker}, "up", "wawa" {water}, "boom" and "mamama!!" Yay for finally saying mama! Of course I am a tad sick of hearing it already since my kids only say it to nag at me about something, can't be all sweet like "dada" or "DAH!!!" as you like to say. Oh well, such is the life of a mommy. :)

Attack of Micahzilla!

Eating: self feeding more with an actual fork, spoon and plate! Seldom do you feel the need to throw it on the floor. You know unless it is the day I finally sweep and mop the floor, then you feel the need to toss yogurt everywhere and dump a full bowl of cheerios, just to make sure I remember who is boss. ;)

However, you are starting this new thing, where you need to eat IN my lap. This is one of the few things I remember Lo doing to me too at this age. So I indulge you some of the time.

Sleep: Bedtime is 645p-745a! I know right?! Ever since daylight savings time both of my kids, but MW especially have been sleeping in! While I appreciate it, it has really put a wrench in my perfectly crafted schedule.
So now nap has moved back to around 9a-1030/11a. Some days I think he could do without this nap, but then clearly most days he needs it. So I know we are slowly working towards dropping it. Probably as soon as I nail down our NEW routine. Lo was done with 2 naps around 18m if I remember right?!!?
Then nap #2 is around 1p-3p. He lays down with a sippy of water at both naps. And we just, as in 2 days ago, switched him from a bottle at bedtime, to a bottle of water (4z). He has handled that well so far as I suspected. I promise that bottle will be gone by 18m. I think he would be totally fine without it, but he loves to use it as a paci, and I am a sucker what can I say. There are worse things to "fight" over.

He is "shaving" and brushing his teeth. HA!

Favorite toy/book(s): Slide, which you can now go all the way up and down now. Big boy! Toy cars and trucks.
We have moved onto a broom as the new favorite outside toy. Weirdo. Along with scoops and shovels. You also love, love, LOVE to be pushed around the driveway in your stroller!
You like to say "book" but sitting and looking at them are another story.

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do: Where to begin.
*You are in LOVE with graham crackers. You beg for them morning and night. One afternoon we were at a play date with Ginger and you walked over to her lazy susan cupboard and pounded on it. You were sadly disappointed to find she kept tupperware in there and not graham crackers like mommy.

*You give kisses now (yay!), but then you always say "bye" after them.

*Your new favorite thing to do to protest nap time is to throw all your crib friends out, all except your beloved blankers. Good thinking, because that is all you have left when mommy doesn't answer your protest call.

*I was skeptical at first, but you are in fact a cleaner and neat freak like sissy and  mommy! HA! You love to get out rags/towels to clean up any messes/spills.

*You are starting to shake your head "no" at me, you little stinker.

*Micah Law: If an object is above your head, it must always be climbed. {Congrats mommy, you get to raise yourself. :) }
Ht:  29in {mommy guessitmate} 28.5in {1%}
Wt: 19# {mommy guessitmate} 20# {3%--and he's on the chart!}
Head Circ: 18.25 {27%}
Clothes: 9-12m
Shoes: 4
Socks: 2T {this seriously cracks me up, your feet are pretty much the same size as sissy's}
Diaper: 3 swaddlers

Happy 15 Months Love Bear!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness--I am seeing so much DAD or INGWERSON in him. Do you see it? or is it just me?? I saw it the most in that one pic right underneath the messy yogurt face pic and then the last one too!

    Happy 15 months sweet boy! Give him smoochies from his auntie who thinks of him and his sister all the time!
    Oh and tell him that mister is already shaking his head no too at momma--silly boys:)


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