
16 September 2012

MW 20 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Time to start 2nd birthday planning! Wow, in 4 short months you will be 2! Just crazy. I really enjoyed last month just writing down your silliness, so here we go again, or at least what I can remember. HA!

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
* You did this more last month, but you will just run up to me and blow raspberries on my legs. It was hilarious

*A few weeks ago I was watching a friend's little girl and she must not have stairs in her house (they don't live around here so it was treat to see them!) because when she needed to come down the stairs she reached for me and said "hold ju." Just like that in a split second you latched onto that phrase like white on rice and now exclaim all day long "hold ju." I am having flashbacks of Lo doing that, honestly can't believe it took you this long to learn. HA!

*Your speech is off the charts. If you hear it, you pretty much repeat it. Some of my favorite phrases right now:
--"where r ju, where R ju, where RRR ju?" {with each "are" getting more intense and drawn out.}
--"Mikey no ikey" BAHAHA! 1. He calls himself Mikey, not a fan, but what are you going to do. And 2. if he doesn't like it this is what he says. Hilarious. Love the 3rd person talk.
--"ike Lei Lei" {wants to be just like his big sissy, this is a double edge sword because he just can't understand he is NOT 3!}
--whenever you answer yes, it always comes out "yep."

--lately in the car you say what sounds like "bankie bankie," well that can only mean one thing--Blankie, duh. So I would hand  you your blankie and you would throw it at me and scream no! Yesterday I really started watching you when you said this and FINALLY realized you are really saying. "unbucky, unbuky." You want me to unbuckle you and get you out of your carseat. Sorry Charlie, but no can do we are driving, but at least I know what you want now. HA! Not sure that makes it better.

*You love "MicKEY" we don't really watch him much, but you sure know him!

Here we are watching/playing a Mickey game on the iPad, I just love the snuggle moments.

*Sissy has a Minnie Mouse piggy bank. You love to put coins in it all.the.time.

*You like to ride on my back like a monkey down the stairs.
*You say "owie" every time you bump something and/or get hurt.
*I was blessed with two little cleaners. If you spill something, spit up (yep we still deal with that from time to time) you say "owel, owel" and grab a towel and clean it up. Presh!
*Still a climber. You can now {thanks to sissy} climb up on to my kitchen counter to "help" me. Love this Mogli. 
*You are getting pickier about eating. You LOVE bread and crackers. Sometimes I wonder if you eat enough to sustain life, but I guess if you were starving you would eat. I know toddler eating is crazy. Then there are nights like last night that you ate 2.5 hotdogs. Go figure.

*You are looking like such a little man now. You have always had this Benjamin Button thing going on,  I think it is so cute. You are lanky looking just like your daddy.

*And a lovely video displaying sibling love at its best:

Favorite Toy/Book(s):
Your "row row" book. Just baby nursery rhyme board book, that just so happens to have Row Row Your Boat in it.
Favorite show is "DAKE!" aka Jake and the Neverland Pirates.
You love the shape sorter tool box, airplanes and legos.

*We are officially down to one nap. Last month was hit and miss still, but this month I just bit the bullet and kept you from it and you seem to do fine. There are still some days you want to lay down early around 1215/1230, which is fine, but most often you make it to 1p. Kidzone is really wearing you out especially on Wed since you are in there for 1h15m since sissy has gymnastics.
*Sleep like a rock start at bedtime. Still have those pacis though!

Biggest milestone---you are nearly {daytime/awake time} potty trained!!! Hip hooray! You are 100% with me this past week and half (still not counting my chickens yet but...), we do still need to work on nursery settings because I just think they don't know to take you and telling other babysitters/learning his signals. But overall I am just so happy to reach this milestone!! I do keep waiting for the regression or slap in the face backslide, but so far so good...maybe we won't have one?!?!

*You do however think the only time I will read to you is on the potty. HA! So sometimes you like to "fib" to me and say "potty" just so we can read. Silly boy. Of course it is the only time you will set still and listen to a book.

Wt: 22#
Teeth--11, almost 12. All that are missing are the eye teeth.
Clothes-12-18m. Shoes 5
Diaper-size 3 swaddler at night.

Happy 20 Months Little Man
{ps--this is the story of my life, always climbing...}
{pps please ignore my "crummy" counter. Typically it is clean...and soon I will have a NEW one, good-by UGLY green counter tops!}

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love me some MW!!! He is getting so BIG!! So proud of him with the potty--please come and train my monkey--I am no good at it:(


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