
05 November 2012

The Things Lo Says {Jesus Edition}

I spoke of how being apart of Judgement House was such a blessing for me in so many ways, but one way it real hit home was through my little 3.5 yo daughter.

Sometimes I don't like telling my kids where I am going or what I am doing because answering 300 why questions grates on my nerves; plus, I didn't want to try and even explain JH to her because I knew she wouldn't get it. I fear most of all as mom that I will inadvertently push her away from Jesus, by saying the wrong "scary" things, as I have seem to have done in the past.

However, on the first night I left I just felt the urge to tell her and do my best to explain. I told her it was just a pretend Heaven, and that I was acting like I was there, just like people do on TV. She seemed to get it and not be too bothered by it. Since the last time we spoke of Heaven I freaked her out. :(

Side bar: My sister's daughter accepted Jesus not too long ago and I was in awe of it, because I look at Lo and don't think she is ready to comprehend such a thing yet, but much to my amazement I found she was.

The next day the questions started rolling in.

"mommy what is Heaven?"--Where Jesus and God live and one day where we will live when Jesus calls us home.
"Does God and Jesus live there?" "Why?" Yes, b/c that is God and Jesus' home.
"When can I go to Heaven?"----mommy doesn't know baby. Hopefully not for a long time. But when Jesus calls you home, He calls you home and you go. Jesus loves you more than mommy and daddy ever could and He will be there to take care of you along with mommy and daddy.
"Will there be headbands in Heaven?" --yes, because if you need them He will provide them
"Will Daddy, and Micah and you be in Heaven with me?"--yes, as long as MW accepts Jesus too.
"What about {insert every person she has ever come in contact with here} be in Heaven too?"--see above.
"Can Juju {her doll} and Poodle {her lovie} go with me?"--yes, {b/c even if they aren't we won't care at that point, so let's not make a little girl cry. :)}
"I am scared, I not ready to go yet..."--that's ok baby, I am not ready for you to go there yet either.

I took the time to go through each question. I explained to her that in order to go to Heaven we must confess with our mouths that Jesus died for our sins. I explained to her what sins are and how Jesus died for them. Then she blew me away with--
"Well mommy, then I want Jesus to LIVE in my HEART!NOW!"

Holy cow not expecting that. I still didn't feel like she truly got it and the gravity of what Jesus did for us, but I told myself to shut up and realize all it takes is the faith of a child. Jesus loves the children very much and He loves their simple faith. So I thought that is fine, we can pray and ask Jesus to live in your heart, but baby girl YOU have to say the words not mommy. I really wasn't ready for this.

Then she bounded off and said, "um, maybe later after breakfast."

I just sat there thinking about all that transpired. I realize that it was a start and even if she would have prayed the prayer with me {she hasn't yet, she has brought it up one more time, but then she says later}, I know it would have been the beginning and she probably would have prayed it again, like we all seem to do {not that you have to} as we grow deeper in our understanding of what Jesus did for us that day on the cross and the relationship Jesus wants to have with us.

Now each night she stalls her bedtime with "mommy, I have a Jesus question." How can I say no to that? But they have been good and mostly she isn't scared. She always starts them with "I know Jesus loves me, but...can we wear pink in Heaven?, Does God love...How does God get us there?" She does say she isn't ready for Jesus to call her home yet.

Since she is so full of questions I feel like I am not the person to be asking; I got her the "Heaven is for Real-Kids Edition" book for the ipad, and she really loves it.

I love that she is taking an interest and I love seeing her faith grow at such a young age. I don't think I was like that at 4?!?! I really credit our church for being a fun place to experience Jesus, yet doesn't hesitate to preach truth. 

I am anxious to see where, when and how this journey plays out. I just ask God daily for wisdom and guidance to lead her and MW to Him. This is just the beginning...

To be continued.

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