As a side bar I would like to note that DAYTIME training and NIGHTTIME training ARE two different things. Leighton is 4 and still not nighttime trained. She still wears a pull-up at night and it is wet 3-4x/week. There is a chemical in the brain that needs to be releasing to help slow down their system. This can take up to the age of 9! Also, she is a HEAVY heavy sleeper. This is an issue that isn't discussed often enough, yet one night at dinner 4 out of 8 moms had kids over the age of 4 still night-time wetting. 50%! That is crazy. The mom who brought it up felt ashamed for her daughter until she heard us say "US TOO!" So if your kid has daytime down, but still wetting at night...please take heart it is normal and there isn't too much you can do about it.
Back to the post....
I often laugh when I get on pinterest and see all these "How to potty train your kid" pins and how "fun" you can make, maybe I am missing something, but It won't ever be fun, just do it. Stop making excuses and waiting for all the signs, just do it. Micah didn't asked to be potty trained at 18 months I made the choice for him, considering I am his mother and know what is best for him. :) It was a headache and at times I found myself wondering why bother right now...but then I would gently remind myself that in 1 year from now {or most likely LESS} he would be golden. And I was right.
Look how much he has changed!!!!
He was pee-pee trained in a matter of days, and had the complete hang of it a matter of months. Now #2s well that was a whole other mess...literally. He started off well, and then I don't know what happened, well I sort of do, but totally not going to blog share that...if you really want to know I will tell you privately, but I know it most likely is NOT a situation that most face...ANYWAY, he never really pooped his pants on me, he would just simply wait until nap, bed or nursery times to do so. He was always in a pull-up, so little mess to deal with.
I tried everything--bribing him, forcing him to sit on the potty, ignoring it, making up funny stories about it, and flat out discipline-- you name it I probably tried it. Nothing was effective; so I went back with ignoring it and realized that he is not even 2 yet and is potty trained except for some 1x/day bowel movement...get over it. This phase will come.
Enter the flu in February. He is now just over 2. The flu brings with it the loose variety. His stomach was wrenching and painful...I could almost feel his pain. I looked at him and said "baby, if you go sit on the potty and let it out you will feel so much better! Wanna try?!"
He did and he went and from that point on, give or take a few accidents since then, he has been spot on. We now can check that box off the PT list and shout HOORAY! My favorite phrase right now is "MOMMY! I went POOP!" You know you are mom when... HA!
Here he is using the iPad to "relax." Whatever it takes, and it works nearly every time.
You know to each their own on potty training, but I just love the fact that I have 2 kids and only did 3 years of diapering. 3 years! There are few things in this mommy world I feel truly capable and smart in and this is one of them, I am like the potty whisperer.
I love the freedom no diapers no more diaper bags!
Although we do carry around a bag for our travel potty seat. With a boy it is hard to balance him and help him aim, so for me when I was told about this I bought one immediately. {it folds up nice and small-ish}
Now the only advice I need is how to get rid of that boy pee smell and keep it in the potty. Everyone says I should have potty trained him backwards...well, thanks for that tip too late...HA!
Here he is sans potty worst nightmare. I just finally figured out how to attached the pee pee guard and now this! Sigh..."I no need potty seat, I big boy."