
04 April 2013

Kids Say the Darndest Things {Friends Reference Edition}

This year has been PLAGUED with illness for all of us, but especially my kids...well really just MW. Holy cow we went nearly 4 years without 1 sniffle and now its on. Thankfully, my kids are good sick kids...not too whiny and cranky, mostly snuggly. I can deal with that. This past week MW got pink eye--in both eyes. I was hopeful it wasn't the contagious kind, but I kept him away from all other kids except his sister.--My bad.
By Monday he was miserable and a doctor appointment was necessary. When we FIANLLY got to the doctor's appointment he kept saying over and over again, loudly: "DOKTOR fix my eyes! Fix my eyes! peas" Bless his heart the whole waiting room felt bad for him.

Then came the eye drops. I freak at eye drops--just call me Rachel Green from Friends---it takes an army to get them in my eyes, but MW he was a trooper. He lays so still and lets us put 2 drops in EACH eye and is excited when I tell him it's time for his eye meds!! What a weirdo! I do reward his good behavior with MMs, but there is no amount of chocolate that would get me to do that. HA!

Then there is Leighton. She came down with pink eye 3 days later!! Now she is my girl and freaks at eye drops. So she is my "Rachel Green" and we totally have to do this. Thank God Meg has been around the last few days because MW and I can't hold her down by ourselves! HA!


The other day Leighton colored a picture and proudly showed it to Micah. Without hesitation or prompts he looked at it and said "BOO-Ful" {beautiful}.
Mommy and Lo: "Oh Max!"
Have you every seen the Max and Ruby show? Max just says one word the whole time over and over and that is exactly how he says "beautiful," it was funny that both our minds immediately jumped to that and we haven't seen that show in ages!

Whenever I have to quickly pull out into traffic I say "Hold on to your bottoms!" A catch phrase I learned from a college friend who used a different backside descriptive word and it has always stuck...

The other day as I was pulling out into traffic and I said my catch phrase.
Lo: "Why wouldn't you just say hold on to your hats?!"
M: dumbfounded... "um, well, um, that is a good point and makes more sense doesn't it?"
Lo: "yes mommy you are silly. Why do you say that?"

Lo trying to explain some memory to me and I just couldn't put the pieces together to help her fully remember it...
I kept rattling off "ideas" they were all wrong.
Lo: MOM! Why don't you member anything...I guess I will just ask daddy. He always knows and members.
M: well, I am sorry and I AM trying, but I just don't know what you are talking about.
Lo: Maybe it was a dream...

M: maybe...
{there's a chance everything in my life can be related to Friends. HA!
Minute 3 is the part I am referring too!}

{For the record we did ask daddy and he didn't know either!}

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