
24 April 2009

Sleep is for the Weak!

(sorry don't know how to "turn" the picture)

My mother-in-law bought this onesie for us before we even knew if we were having a boy or girl or even chosen a name. When I got it I thought to myself "hahaha, that is funny...but won't be TRUE! Babies do sleep..." Oh how VERY naive I was and perhaps jinxed myself with that thought! Because while it is true that babies sleep it could NOT be further from the truth when it comes to Leighton! Maybe I drank too much coffee while pregnant who knows, or maybe she is like her daddy who can get by on just a good night's sleep either way mommy is TIRED!

I thought I had made a break through with her sleeping through the night last week but instead she just was taunting me! We have now reverted WAY back, it is like having a brand new newborn again. One that has to be nursed every 1.5-2 hours! Then once 9am rolls around we are up for the day! It absolutely astounds me. Then when daddy gets home we are SUPER fussy b/c we are SUPER tired! (That statement really goes for both Lo and me!)

I am up for suggestions if anyone has any! Part of the problem is she is a snacker and as a breastfeeding mom it is hard to know how much milk she IS getting, so when she does doze off it doesn't last long b/c she gets hungry again. (and please don't suggest a bottle, because she REFUSES bottles! Chad tries and tries but after 30 minutes she eventually gets what she wants...mommy!)

Here's hoping for some sleep! :)


  1. Chele - My babies never slept either. For 6 months Kat was up at least once and for the first 2 to 3 months she was up every 2 hours. When Lili was born she went the first 6 weeks being up all night before things got straightened out and then she was up at least once for a few months if not more. I understand!!! If our husband would just understand what we could do and how long we could go if we just got 1 good nights sleep!!! To top things off Kat stopped napping when Lili was born so for those 6 weeks I couldn't even nap!!! My mother-in-law would tell you to start feeding her rice cereal to fill her up and if your desperate formula keeps them happy longer, but then you'd still have to pump so it's probably not worth it. Not much help just wanted to let you know that someone cares and completely understands and will be keeping you in their prayers!!!

  2. One thought--maybe a growth spurt? They're supposed to have one at around 3 months. I know she's not quite there yet but close enough. :) They will cluster feed and it seems totally crazy. Here's an article I found through Google--talks about the effect on nursing moms, interrupted sleep, several feedings in just a few hours' time, etc.

    I know it's hard but try to keep your spirits up! Maybe someone could watch her for an afternoon while you get a glorious nap? :)


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