
14 April 2009

Things to Remember

so my baby girl is two months old tomorrow! so much has happened and i don't want to forget...

*like how i have become a pro at typing with one hand! since my other arm is ALAWYS pre-occupied holding leighton. (so please excuse the lowercase.)

*like how leighton can only nap during the day if i am holding her and bouncing on my yoga ball and listening to barlow girl! but sleeps like a champ at night! (i recommend to all new moms to have a yoga ball actually saves your back from standing and bouncing!)

(I took this myself...pretty good at the one handed stuff! :) )

*like how she hates bottles! she prefers breast to anything including pacifers!!

*like how she is "helping" w/ diaper changes...she lifts her little legs in the air while I change her, i think it is pretty cute! and she has stopped peeing all over her new diaper and changing table as soon as i take the old diaper off!

*like how she gets more active in her playgym everyday and is starting to grasp toys and how she "laughs" and smiles at herself when she does it!

*like how she is starting to "talk" coo and smile at us.

here she is w/my mom smiling and "talking" to grammy!

*like how mommy is usually the only one that can keep her calm and from screaming all of the time!

we also celebrated our first real holiday! EASTER!

saturday we went to grandma rachel's and had lunch and opened up our easter lots of fun stuff including a sitting for professional photos! yea! i am ready to get some real pictures taken.

with her bunny aunt ellen got her!

with her first baby bible!

sunday we actually made it to church (it hasn't been easy getting there w/ a newborn and her erratic sleep case you can't tell i am the type of mom that let's her schedule me instead of the other way around!) we got all dressed up in an outfit that i once wore when i was leighton's age! she looked absolutely adorable. daddy wasn't a fan of the bonnet, but it was easter!

our best family photo! she never cooperates well for family photo time!

me and my baby girl

then it was off to my mom's house for easter lunch. it was interesting since we had two newborns and 4 poodles! leighton wasn't in the best mood since i forgot to give her, her tummy medicine! she just screamed in pain most of the afternoon! i have never felt so horrible in all my life! let's just say it WILL NOT happen again!
so needless to say i didn't get a lot of pics during the day!

next year should be way more fun watching landrey and leighton toddle around after eggs! :)

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