
05 November 2010

Baby Q Pre_Natal Update

My prenatal appt was actually normal for once. No bad, or ambiguous news this time. Unless you count our decision NOT to have the 28 week u/s. There are lots of reason we opted out, but the big one being, if I hear one more set of odds about this baby, you will have to lock me up in an institution. It is taking all my inner strength and lots and lots {and lots and lots} of prayer for me to get through this. Most days I just pretend nothing exists and bury my head in the sand. That is usually my go to answer for problems...mature I know. :) I wish there were words to convey how this pregnancy is effecting me, but there aren't, or I don't have them.

On the upside, they now have TWO female OBs in their practice. Yay! Currently I am only seeing our GP because I like him way better than my last OB, but at 34/36 weeks I get the boot to an OB and now I can have a female one.

The weird crazy thing is, I see him next month and then start every TWO WEEKS, holy cow!!! Where did this pregnancy go?! I am not ready to be a mom to two yet!!!

However, evidently it is time for the dreaded Glucose test :/...mostly, I just hate how it makes me feel, and I just pray I don't fail it, like I did with Lo. I barely survived the 3 hour test last time. ::shudder::

Finally, I am measuring good and his little heartbeat is 160bpm. This always amuses Chad and I because Lo's was off the charts the entire time, I am not sure she ever really trended down until birth! This could explain a lot. HA!

Editor's Note: Check THIS post out from is as if God read my post today and is commenting to me.


  1. I'm so glad your appointment went well and I think you made a choice regarding the u/s. You're going to have a perfect little boy in your arms before you know it! Good luck with the glucose test.

  2. WOW! you handle things that are out of your control just like your mommy! Hang in there! Believe it or not you have been there for me when I wasn't feeling strong. As Meg likes to sing to me "Lean on me, when your not feeling strong, I'll carry on when your not feeling strong! Lean on me."


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