
30 November 2010

Blessing Box

Yay for Blessing Box this week!

My biggest blessing is my washing machine still working!!! I did something so dumb. I put our comforter that my daughter peed on in it. I am fairly certain I had done that before and it all worked out fine...not sure what the deal was this time. ANYWAY. I went to check on it and there it sat with my comforter full of water NOT WORKING! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
All I thought was "no this can't be happening right now, no please God not now!" So I calmly started pulling and yanking this huge, soaking wet, very heavy comforter out of my machine. Once it was out still nothing. I pushed every button, waited, pushed more buttons. At this point I am practically in tears thinking about not having a washing machine, and having to buy a new one, because let's face it repair costs practically as much as a new one.

And have you ever really thought about how wonderful and great your washing machine is? And how hard it is without one for even a week?

Anyway, I took a deep breathe and just prayed "Please! God fix my washing machine, I am sorry I was so stupid and stuffed that way over sized too large comforter in it. Please, you are all I have right now to fix my mistake!!!"
And you know what? It started working just like that. Now, I know God isn't in the business of being the Maytag man, but I sure appreciated it yesterday!
All I can think about is Praise God!!! x1000!!

It's the little things that can bless your socks off, quite literally sometimes.


  1. Love that! God is so good I love how he even answers our seemingly silly request but how in that we are blessed beyond measure!

  2. Seeing God work in the little details of life every day is just as exciting to me as seeing Him work major miracles. It's amazing how easy it is to see God's hand in things, if we just look around. Bless you.

  3. hahha that is amazing!!!
    thanks for linking up! :)

  4. Uhhhh..I believe it was mommy that took it to the laundry mat for you b/c we thought it would fit in my washing machine. Discovered it wouldn't so daddy and I took it to the laundry mat. Gotta LOVE ya! ;-)


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