
21 June 2011

Hello. Goodbye.

Moving day has finally come and gone.
It was so bittersweet. My emotions were so raw last week. Leaving our first home, the home we brought our two precious babies (and Toby) home to was much harder than I ever thought it would be. I cried off and on over the last two weeks leading up to our move.

I remember when we first bought our house; we were so excited and proud. I remember Chad and I standing in the living room ready to begin our future in this house. At that moment five years ago we had (and still do) our whole lives ahead of us. Our future together had yet to be written.

As we packed up all our possessions we had accumulated over those five years I just couldn't help but think of all the memories they held here. I will miss that house. It will forever be our first home.

On Thursday I went back to collect the last of our things and lock up one last time. That was the hardest moment. As I shut the door I looked into our living room for the last time, it was dark, I took a deep breath and shut the door. I liken it to the series finale of Friends, when they stood in Monica's apartment one last time, said good-bye, placed their 6 keys on the counter and shut the door. Roll credits. It was over.

This was the last view I took in of our house {minus our stuff of course}
I think seeing that sign "the story of us" put me over the edge.

I feel nuts for being so emotional over a house, but it was so much more than that to me. It was ours. I hope it brings as much joy to the new owner. I loved that house.

Lo was so good during all the packing, she was so creative and found things to occupy her time once her toys were packed. Here is her box slide.

However, with that said, I am so excited to be in "Mayberry" now. Our new house is so great. It has nearly everything we wanted/desired on our "in our next house" list. We are so close to our church, friends, the Y and Chad's job. We will have so much extra time on our hands we won't know what to do with ourselves. We were even ready for church 45 minutes early. HA!

We are getting pretty settled. All the boxes (excluding the decorations) are un-packed and put away! Micah Mommy is enjoying Micah's new room. Lo has had some trouble adjusting. She keeps saying "old house." One day she kept demanding to "go home." Man that broke my heart. It was so hard trying to explain to her this was her "home" now.

This is literally Lo's (and mine) favorite thing about the new house. :)

I am so thankful for this house and the goodness of God for providing it. I will post pics of the house as the rooms get finished. But for now here is a few of the empty house.

Living Room

Lo's room. {needs new PINK paint.}


  1. Oh I love the big tub too! Good luck in your new home. Its beautiful!

  2. You are not crazy for being emotional over a house! I got that way when we moved from our "first" house (that we owned) and it was the first place we lived in as a married couple...even though we were only there for 18 months and Jack was deployed for 12 of those. There's just something about it being the "first"! So...don't feel bad at all!


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