
04 June 2012

Weekend Rewind

Why does summer feel like it is going at warp speed?! It should be more relaxing than this.

{One}This past week/end I have spent getting ready for our garage sale and then having it. I was so excited to clean out our spare room, so it didn't look like an episode of hoarders in there anymore. Seriously, that must be a disease because I have no idea how anyone could live like that, I was about to go.insane!

However, the garage sale was at my friend's house. Day 1 was nice and cool with 70mph winds, blowing everything off the tables. Day 2 was freezing and I found myself huddled around a space heater wrapped in a blanket on June 1st. I kid you not. Miserable and rainy. Day 3 perfect.  Overall I did just ok, my friend did awesome. No one was in the market for the baby clothes I had, they all seemed to need the size my kids are currently in. Oh well, that is what the consignment sale is for. At least of bunch of my "junk" went. And since this was my first garage sale I learned a lot about garage sale people. Wow. That is all I can say. I may write a book. HA!

{Two}Of course Chad watched the kids while I sat for 3 days and the house is now a complete disaster. But they were fed, dressed and alive by the end of each day, so I guess that is all I can ask for right?!

{Three}To back up pre garage sale, I did go ahead and take MW into the doctor to be certain about his possible hand/foot/mouth disease. Turns out it was a severe allergic reaction to what we still don't know. My best guess at this time is his sunscreen as that is the only new thing I have introduced to his uber sensitive skin as of late. At this point it is nearly healed, except his feet which are all peeled off on the bottoms and red looking. I feel sorry for him although it has yet to slow him down. {This seems like something unrelated to the allergic reaction thing...stay tuned. ;)} So yay no HFM, but boo allergies. 

{Four}Sunday we had an amazing service on prayer and I am excited to hear more and participate in our challenge. Check it out here: I could never do the sermon justice, but it is all about just hitting "click-send" to God. We all formulate thoughts, fears, stressors, hopes, dreams etc in our mind or to family and friends everyday, but a lot of times we forget to just share those things directly to God. He loves us and wants to hear from us. Anyway check out the link.

{Five}Finally, Micah has been such a hoot lately. That boy is such a talker, and I am not sure what age is suppose to start formulating sentences or stringing together words, but he is already doing it! with that boy. For instance one day daddy got home from work MW says: Hi Da! And waves.

The kids absolutely love QT pina colada freezoni drinks. Today they had to share one. Leighton getting all nervous MW was guzzling it down too fast said: "I want some!" Then as I pass it to Leighton, Micah screeches: "I un um" {I want some}, even Lo a 3 year old understood him. I am just blown away. It took forever to get Lo to talk and then formulate sentences. There is my "my kid is awesome and I am going to brag on him" story.

Now to go do some laundry.
PS sorry I have ZERO pics as we haven't taken one picture in 2 weeks. How sad is that?! Time to do something fun I guess. :)

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