
29 May 2012

Twos-day {zoo trip}

Nearly every other Tuesday we get together with our friends Ginger, Avery and Ezra, thus making it Twos-day (get it?!). The girls have fun, I am pretty sure. I am not really paying attention because I am having fun chatting with Ginger, so since we seldom hearing screaming and fighting, I imagine they are having a splendid time. :)

Anyway, a few Tuesdays ago we took the kids to the zoo. It was such a nice afternoon. We had a bit of a rough start as Leighton accidentally tossed her new beloved Minnie Mouse bracelet in the Koi pond, while trying to feed them. It was heartbreaking and believe me I considered wading in after it, but thought better of it. Eventually the tears dried up.

Onto our zoo day. Ginger and I are not so great at taking pictures, which who can blame us when we are wrangling 4 kids between us, but I did mange to take a few, she probably took way better ones, you know being a professional and all. :)

Lo and Micah loved the baby lambs. The rushed them. The lambs were terrified.

 After the Koi pond incident we were able to calm Leighton with the promise of an elephant show. I can't believe how many cool tricks these elephants can pull off.

 Why is it all I got was the back of everyone's head?!

Running around the gorilla exhibit during our lunch break! Wow that was a tad nuts, but fun. 
 Group Shot!
 Posing by the lions who were hiding from us. :(
 Cutest baby orangutang ever. His momma got up to go to the hammock and s/he followed and then the momma pulled him up. It was so sweet. Love is love.
And that pretty much sums it up. We parted way just in time for nap time. I absolutely love our playdate and feel so lucky to have friends/fellow SAHMs close by to do these things with. Until the next "Twos-day."

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