
08 May 2012

Week in Reverse

Last week was a crazy, full of accidents, bloody week. Thankfully, no one made an appearance to the ER, but there was one close call in my opinion and if you know me at all death must be looming before I would even consider a trip to the ER or doctor...

 Monday was a disaster in the fact that I thought it would be a fantastic idea to keep MW from his morning nap...I keep thinking he wants to drop it, only to find out he really really doesn' in effort to keep him up we went to the library, where on family picture day, he knocks his eye on a table so hard I was sure we were going to have to photoshop out a black eye! Thankfully, by picture time no black eye appeared.

Tuesday started off with a bang after a simple morning bath turned bloody. Micah got out of the tub was all dried off and dressed, when he decided he wanted to go back in and play with sissy (who was still in the tub). He started to climb the step stool, slipped and bit his tongue so hard I thought he actually bit completely through it...CSI shows had nothing on us when it came to the amount of blood lost. I was moments from yanking Lo from the tub and heading to the ER when the bleeding slowed and the tears got minimal. I felt so bad for him.

Then I get him down for a AM nap and start cleaning up the kitchen, Lo is still in the tub, don't ask, it makes her happy...I go to check on her she is crying because she now fell and has this HUGE bruise on her bum. Sigh.

Wednesday Lo decided to join in on all the accident fun. I mean why not? Blood and tears are mommy's favorite things to deal with. :) We decide to go to a park for fun and a picnic, on our way to the park Lo is running, skipping, something, because she just.can' Oh wait she is 3...and BAM! She hits the pavement hard. Stopping her forward momentum with her face! Scrapping all the skin on her nose off! You know why she cried? Yes, because it hurt, but that was only 35 seconds of the tear fest, the rest of the 5 minutes it was because she had to get to the park and play!! Refusing to go home and clean up her face, elbows and knees...whatever, go play then!

So needless to say I was hoping for a bloodless Thursday and Friday...

So I emptied out that ridiculous bean tub and put sand in it!

 Thursday resulted in only minor trauma to Micah's lip as he got behind me and I accidentally kicked him in the face and caused a very minor, albeit, bloody lip.

By Friday I gave up trying, but pretty certain there were no major injuries.

 I have also spent all week tagging and tagging and tagging all of Leighton and Micah's clothes for our upcoming garage sale. I went to a lot of extra work to tag them per consignment sale specifications, so those that don't sell are ready come this fall! It was exhausting.

Sadly, this really doesn't do the mess justice but my huge 
walk-in closet is busting with kid clothes (mostly, Leighton's) 
and it is spilling out into the guest bed!!!

One fun thing {for me} was getting all my digi scrapbook pages organized and put in books!! Yay!
I think there are 95 pages here! And that is just for 2011.

However, there was some fun had as this weekend Lo got a new big girl bike and is really doing quiet well with it. Video and more to come. {if you click the picture you can see the nose injury...}

And on Saturday night we got to see the Supermoon, which was pretty cool. I tried to take a picture through my kitchen window...didn't turn out as pretty  or as large as what I was seeing, but nonetheless, it was breath taking. Plus, I just found it so fascinating to take a moment and watch the moon rise. Just amazing how fast it went, yet we can't feel a thing. God is pretty awesome in His creation that is for sure.

Oh and finally I got my front flower garden planted! No more kids digging in it and making a huge mess!
Lo and I are pretty excited about the blueberry bush! I sure hope it yields fruit this year!!
We planted purple salivia plants, purplish lilies and seeded orange poppy flowers! Very KSU of us! ;)

Hope you all had a little bit better week than I did, but a fantastic weekend!

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