
16 May 2012

16 Months {Watch Me Grow}

 My sweet boy you are 16 months today. I can't believe how fast year 2 is going. You are starting to really come into your own, a little more valiantly than I care for some days, but none the less your own. Here is what you are up to this month:


Finally playing independently!! Hip hooray!!!


Signing "more" and "milk." {A little slow on this front, but better late than never}.
Not one I am terribly proud of, but you broke your R arm last Wednesday. You were on the ottoman, and reached for me and somehow as I reached for you, you slipped through my grasp and fell. I thought you landed on your back and thought nothing of it...a few moments later I realized you couldn't put weight on it to stand. I knew. So welcome son to the broken bone club.

Language Skills:
Really talking up a storm lately. You have added "gi" for grammy, "I nee{d}", "dink" {drink}, "bopdorn" {popcorn} and others that I am forgetting. I am still sort of shocked at how much you talk since A) you are a boy and B) you are the second born. And boy are you vocal about your wants!

Same as always, only slowing way down. For instance there are actually a few bites of PBJ left at the end of lunch instead of you completely inhaling it.
self feeding at its best. :)

Again the same. I keep hoping you are going to drop that morning nap, but no such luck. {I know I am crazy, but I am ready to not be "boxed" in with our mornings anymore}. So two naps {830a/9a-1015/1030a; 1245p/1p-230/3p} and bed by 630p/7p-7a.

But be proud we have dc'd the nighttime bottle! Go mommy! I knew it would be no problem, just hated to do it. However the other day he found said bottles in the garage sale pile and promptly picked it up and carried all around for the rest of the day...and mommy may or may not have let him keep it in his bed as a "toy." Just sayin'

Favorite toy/book(s):
stroller and elmo books, oh and this controller that makes airplane noises that goes with their geotrax.{you LOVE airplanes now}!

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
* Whenever you get up you say "shh" and put your finger to your lips, since sissy is still sleeping.

as a side note you aren't a paci baby, just playing with it...a lot now, so it isn't something I have to break persay.

* You mimic every.single.thing. mommy and sissy do. I wish I could write them all down, but it just wouldn't do it justice.
*You are into every drawer, cupboard, closet etc. My house will never be clean again.

you found your baby carseat when I was cleaning out the store room for the garage sale
you were in heaven.
*Does this cute little jig when you ask him to dance.
*Starting to pose for the camera now. :)

Ht:  28.5in
Wt: 20#
Clothes: 9-12m
Shoes: 4
Diaper: 3 swaddlers     

Happy 16 Months Micah Bear!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 16th (Month) Little Micah !!

    Love to see that outgoing spirit

    Love you....Papa


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