
16 December 2012

Micah 23 Months {Watch Me Grow}

I have no words.
I nearly have a 2 year old. I am just thrilled.
My sister is about to have another baby BOY! and while I am so happy for her, I do not envy her either. I love the life we are embarking on. I love the fact that you will sit in your crib and play for 30 minutes -1 hour fairly quietly, so I can catch a few extra zzzzs on the weekends. Bliss.

I love the fact that your schedule is more flexible and you don't have to go to bed by a certain time, especially during this busy holiday time.

I love the fact that you can walk, well and I don't have to cart you all over the place, unless of course you are refusing to walk like a normal person. Really helping this "grandma" hip I have. ;)

I just love the fact that we are seriously contemplating a vacation in the summer or next December because I don't have a newborn schedule to worry about and you and your sister could actually enjoy it too!

Newborns and 1 year olds are fantastic and I love all those firsts and milestones it brings. I would be lying if I said I didn't sort of miss it and think about #3 on occasion. But that shipped sailed long ago and I am happy to be the best mommy I can be to my two "perfect" kids.
I guess I did have some words then. HA.
Being succinct is NOT my strong suit.

I quickly jotted down a list of the things I thought were note-worthy this month.
{in no particular order}

*Leighton calls you "Madeline." Why? Good question. I think she decided she wants a sister instead.
*Of course you act like a girl by constantly running around wearing headbands and glitter shoes.
People say I should worry...but I don't, he just wants to be like the one he loves---Leighton. Boy does he idolize her!

*Speaking of clothes, you are very particular to the ones you wear. We literally have fights about this some mornings. What two year cares what he wears?! This one.
*You repeat every.single.thing. I say. This is dangerous for me.
*The other day I caught you reading your "Row Row" book to yourself and doing all the nursery rhyme motions. I videoed it but Lo was in the background vacuuming and that is all you can hear. Bummer. :(
*So basically you are into learning right now and self-teaching. You dump out all these animal cards and bring them to me saying the proper sound that matches the animal. {Definitely need to get this on video}
*Sissy had been practicing for her big Christmas performance, therefore you did too! You learned the words to Silent Night and the motions too! It is so cute to see you do it with her.
*And let's not forget Jingle Bells HEY!

*Picky picky eater now. :( However, if I can call it "pizza" you will eat it. But it still has to be pizza-ish to fool you. HA!
*Your catch phrase is "I no likey..."
*Loves DeAgo {Deigo}show.
*Just recently you started doing all the signs I taught you MONTHS ago. You never seemed that into them and then you COULD talk unlike someone else I mothered, so I just dropped it, but her you are doing it! Weird what you remember.
*Love to find Izzy the Elf every day.
*You have now been introduced to the naughty corner {does anyone else say it like the Super Nanny? No. That is just me then.} and make a lot of trips there throughout the day. I really have been naughty myself and let MW slide on a LOT of things because I just couldn't cope with his meltdowns AND because for some reason I just kept thinking he is too young...NOPE. Must stop this behavior NOW!!!! So this is sort of my fault things are this bad, but at least we are getting it under control before Jo {the Super Nanny} has to come. Is that show on anymore?! I am really behind the times. HA!
*You LOVE Blankie SO much, he must come everywhere with us. You love him so much that this is the response I get when I need to wash the stank off him.

Hangin' on the washing machine. :(
Reunited and it feels so right! {Lo had a bit of drama over it too..not quite as bad though.}

*You are 85% potty trained!! The percentage would be higher if you would go #2 in the potty and not save it for naptimes or the kidzone; {Although Ms. Maria is on to you little boy!} AND if you would be more consistent in telling other people besides your close family. But other than that I am happy with it. 85% before the age of 2! Heck ya I will take it!! He actually has followed right along with Leighton's pattern of potty training to a tee, well minus the 6 regressions.
*Thanks to potty training you now can count to 5, pretty much by yourself. {A technique used to help "relax" you to go.}
*If someone asks you your name you yell "MiKA!"
*You say "iddy up pony" when you want someone to give you a horsey ride.

 And "Giddy Up" on Lo. Apparently we all are your personal horse. HA!
*You want to make sure you are coming by constantly saying "I coming."
*Favorite thing he says is "Mommy I love you MUUUUUUUUUUUUCH!" and squeezes me so tight. OH my heart. To hear those words from your baby is just precious. Lo could never really say it until she was closer to 3!
*Finally your bottom two incisors are breaking the surface, only 2 more to go!! And then perhaps we can wean the paci. :/

I hardly took any pics this month...but here you have it. Lovin' Toby.
And there you have it. 1 more monthly to go and then you are on annuals! YAY!
I am so glad I have these though for my kids. I can't believe how often I go back to look at what they were doing a year ago etc and how MUCH I forgot already!

Happy 23 months little bear!

1 comment:

  1. Love him:) What a smart boy:) I get the biggest kick out of what he is doing and working on!! Cute how he says his name!
    Oh and you can take your vacation here your know:) And I think you should totally have #3, you know by three kiddos the last one (just like meg-hee hee) just has to go with the flow and make due b/c the other two are bigger with more activities that cannot be missed like school. So you can totally do it:) And hey, you might have another girl and then I have LOTS of baby girl clothes for you--don't shut me out, give it more thot. Did you stop reading already??


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