
09 December 2012

Tony Danza {pt2}

Yep. That is never going to stop being funny to me.
Simply because my entire life is a FRIENDS reference.

Lo had the best month in dance sort of.

Sort of because we never had a consistent teacher, one day we were stood up by a teacher and on the last day after I already signed her back up for December I find out the dance coordinator up and quit. Ok so those were my hang-ups, but she didn't seem to notice or mind.

Here she is dancing her heart out. She does seem to have way more rhythm than I do. Yay, she got Auntie Meg genes! ;)

I see a little Kate Hudson {in Glee} here.

Due to the dance program being put on hiatus we switched back to gymnastics. I bumped her up a class level since she has been doing this since she was18 months old...time to be pushed a tad more. She loves her new "green" book class and does so well. She even learned a cartwheel...mostly. At least she has the basic premise down. I taught all these classes once a upon a time and let me tell you I had 7 year olds who were not even this close. She gets that from me. :) I was born doing cartwheels. :)

Abruptly moving on with no segway. :)

I didn't get any pics of Lo that night, but my littlest sister Meg IS a dancer. We went to her dance recital and Lo was just mesmerized by it all. They had hip hop, modern, ballet, jazz and so forth. Lo kept whispering "Mommy, I want to dance!"  Bless her heart you could just see the music and rhythm in her dying to get out!

So below I am sharing my sister's dance video I took. Please enjoy my commentary as I am literally blown away by her. I am not exactly sure who her parents are, mom insist Meg got her moves from her because she use to be on drill team, but let's get real I have never seen my mom move like this!
Meg, is stage left {house right} and looks just like me. :)

It will be fun to see what path(s) Lo chooses in life for her outlet.


  1. Lo dancing is just way too darling!! I love all those pics:)

  2. Rumor has it Meg's dad could really "bust a move" back in the day,...just saying!
    I think Lo will inherit just like aunt Meg!


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