
28 March 2013

A Prayer of a Little Girl {Things Lo Says}

I wanted to get this posted BEFORE Easter, so I guess it is now or never.

Gosh, this happened several weeks ago, like before spring break and I wish I could remember everything that surrounded this prayer, but I can't. I constantly tell myself this IS important so I won't forget...yeah right. Anyway, one afternoon I went to check on Lo to see if she actually napped when I overheard this little prayer/conversation she was having with Jesus. It's moments like these you wish you could have an audio recorder in your ears to remember every.single.word. I focused my mind hard to remember as much as I could and quickly wrote it down.

Here are some of my favorite lines of her prayer:

Jesus I know Easter is not about the toys, its about you Jesus. You are the best God evah (yes, she said it just like that!) I know I need to sleep but I just really want to read this Bible book to you God.

God I have this boo boo on my knee but you need to get it better, but I can still walk God, see {proceeds to walk around her room showing God! HA!}

She prays for at least 5 minutes or more telling God her entire life story. Just pouring out her heart and life to Him.

God I know you made the people and the animals, but I just want to know HOW? {blind faith--completely trusts in the Almighty and His power--this right here is why God asks us parents to raise our kids up in the Him, so when they are older they will not depart from it! Proverbs 22:6. The faith of children is astounding!}

And then all the children say AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{a little selfie from the iPad}

As I sat and listened and felt my heart nearly explode with pride and joy, I couldn't help but think what Jesus was feeling in Heaven. I could just picture Him smiling and His heart full as He listened to this innocent child talk to Him feeling every bit as proud and joyful (probably moreso) as I was. Jesus loves the little children so much because they just come to Him as they are and unashamedly sit in His presence  My kids teach me so much about my faith and how to just be. Stop worrying so much about what words I use to pray or what I "let God in on" in my life {like I am really hiding something!} and just be in HIS PRESENCE!

Easter is about recognizing that Jesus came and died to be the KING WE NEEDED! Not the King we wanted. He came and died to be our SAVIOR because that is what we needed most in order to live.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. that story just brightened my day like no other. I pray for all my little nephews and one pretty little niece to grow in Jesus!! Awww so fun to hear her heart--thanks for this!! Oh and tell her and MW how much love I have for them!!


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