
16 July 2013

MW version 2.5

Today Micah bear you are 2.5! Holy smokes. You are so full of life and personality it is crazy ridiculous.
I just love you so much. You are most definitely the little boy I never knew I always wanted.
I didn't want a boy, I wanted a girl, a sister for Lo, THAT was the desire of my heart. But God in His infinite, perfect wisdom, knew that another little girl wasn't going to give me the true desire of my heart, but you would. Praise God for your little soul. It is beyond measure.

2.5 years.

6 months

I tried to do a 2.5 year old video, but you were less than cooperative. So it is in 2 parts and just captures his feisty personality. He was also being weird and making up random words that I couldn't understand and everyone can always understand him...

Pt 1.

Pt 2.

A few tidbits I don't want to forget over the last 6 months.
1. You have had this huge language explosion. You have always been an early talker, but now we have more interactive communication along with all the words in the English language you learned by age 2. It's crazy. Leighton just was starting to speak by this point on a regular basis and you are able to give speeches. Nuts. Where that came from I may never know.

2. Favorite new words/pharses you say:
*Look mommy, a Blue Robin! {aka Blue Jay}
*Let me TALK!
*You struggle with "D-r" T-r" and so on type words. So for instance Drew=Frew, Truck=Fruck {that makes me laugh!} Drink=Frink
*Good morning Yesica {Jessica--my middle name}; no idea why that started but it was hilarious when I would go in to wake you up.
* You say "WHAAAAAT?!" all.the.time.
* what's your name? Micah Wyatt Leeth-ler

18 months

3. Speaking of sleep. AWESOME!!!!! Seriously, you are the best sleeping child I have. {Yes, I only have 2 but still he's the best!}
We recently as in {just yesterday} moved you to a big boy twin bed. You sleep fine. You STAY PUT! {hear that?! That is the Hallelujah Chorus playing} I hesitated moving you because I didn't need two kids up and in my bed at 630a! But you don't even attempt to get out, you just wait and play quietly!! until someone comes in to get you. Praise Jesus!!! May this continue.
You sleep from 8/9p- 645/730a.  Nap 1-330/4p.

showing little brother the big bed ropes.

cashed out for the first time in his new bed. #easypeasylemonsqueezy

4. Of course potty trained, but now you have moved on to just plain doing it all yourself. You stop,  you run to the bathroom and come back. Only reason I even know you went is because you can't re-dress yourself. HA! {Still night-time wets}

This is how he brushes his teeth. 

5. You eat like a snake. Shoves the entire sandwich in and then attempts to swallow. Drives me nuts. Who taught you manners buddy?! Daddy?! Oh, well that explains it, since that is how daddy eats. ;)

This is his attempt at "ganster" face...

Which is good since apparently this is his new style

6. You still love the Because He Lives song and immediately lay down and get quiet. We have to sing Jingle Bell Rock and Jingle Bell regular before be every night. Don't ask.

7. Yes, still on the paci. That is our last "big boy" transition. He may be 4 before I am ready to pull it. HA! No seriously...I don't mind it other than when he talks with it in. That irritates me because I don't want speech therapy sessions later because of it. We will see what year 3 brings. ;)

8. Stats: wt. is around 25ish # {mommy guesstimate}
ht. 2ft 11in {as a side note, this is the same ht Lo was LAST year at 3.5!!! Holy cow. I am SOOOOO Glad you are going to be tall. I could careless if Lo is short, but it is hard on boys to be the short one.}
Clothes 18m pants, 18m-2T shirts
Shoe: 7-8
Undies: 2T/3T; Huggies slip on size 3
Teeth: all in.

There are no words for the crazy you come up with...

Happy 2.5 Birthday my little cow poke.


  1. LOVVVVEEEEE Him!!! Cute post!! I just love seeing his pics now b/c after just getting to see him, it is even MORE cute!!

  2. He looks so grown up in that last pic!!! I love reading your blog!


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