
18 July 2013

Sparkle Shine {The 4th Recap}

I am going to make this short and sweet and let the photos do the talking...
The 4th is a big holiday for us as my sister's birthdays are always celebrated on the 4th. But my how things have changed since Melissa moved away and grandkids are in the picture.

Try to do a photo op...yeah, not so great. {These are all unedited dt time}

Grill master Chad.

One of the birthday girls. Now the next few are a succession of photo bombs by Chad and my dad. The finally one is HILARIOUS. And brought tears to everyone's eyes. My hubby the funny man.

Family picture complete with a Meg photo bomb. She thinks she is so funny! And MW being un-cooperative for family photos per usual.

Up next the parachute chase. Now, back in the day {do you remember this moment Melissa?! Tears are running down my cheeks as I re-call it!} this was a big game for us. We were in teams. My BIL means serious business when he plays, so serious that he knocked his own wife down to the ground in effort to catch said parachute. Hilarious!

Now days it has moved onto the kids. My sister's family and uber competitive BIL haven't made the trip in years and if he didn't mind knocking down his wife---would he watch out for the kids?! ;) HA!

Sparklers. Lo was a bit nervous but over the next few days she got the hang of it and would dance around.

Sass. Pure Sass.

Ought oh, where's Micah? "I right here papa!!"

Expecto Patronum! {If you don't get it---the you aren't cool. ;) }
Sass pt deux

"I 'cared!"

MW did really well with the sparklers and would do it by himself, until....he touched it and burned his hand. Awesome.

Sitting with shaving cream. This works every time. If you burn yourself--fire, steam, pan, water etc. grab a can of the CHEAP barbsol shaving gel and squirt it on. Wait 15ish minutes and it pulls the burn right out. Your hand barely stings once you rinse it off. Be sure to cool the burn first with cold water and it will sting while the cream is on, but after you rinse it off it feels almost as good as new and in an hour or two the pain is gone. We have burned ourselves on everything around here and this has never failed us! MW was completely fine after we rinsed it off.

I am really trying to work on my photography and learn cool tricks. I was trying to get that sparkler word pic. Meg was spelling her name and we almost got it!! Next year....

It was a fun 4th as usual the kids did awesome, staying up clear until 1015p! Until next year...

1 comment:

  1. Never heard of that shaving cream trick but you betcha next time I burn myself cooking I'm giving it a shot! Looks like such a fun forth for you all and love the sparkler pic! Ill have to work on my skills and try to capture one myself


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