
21 January 2014

Birthday Party Diego Style.

On Thurs Chad came down with the flu.
Saturday was party day for a cute little 3 year old boy.
There was no way we could post pone. This face just wouldn't understand.

We pressed ahead. I wasn't feeling great, but nothing was going to stop me. The joy on his face was worth it. Besides it was only a little family party and the grandparents were also willing to brave our germs to bring joy to his face.

MW wanted a Diego party. I figured that would be easy and waited until the last minute to prepare. Apparently Diego is no longer "cool." Dora yes, Diego no. I don't get it Diego is far superior in show, songs and content than Dora. I digress.  So we went to 4 different stores looking for Diego stuff; 2 of which were party stores. When we walked into Party City my words were "Buddy, if we can't find Diego stuff here we are in trouble."
We walked all around and found no Diego stuff. Micah just hung his head in disappointment and kept uttering "" in the saddest voice possible. Bless his heart.

I took his plea to facebook and a friend offered up her Diego cake pan. I was scared. I was not sure I could pull it off. It turned out okay. I stored it in the oven.

We got pizza for his birthday dinner. Of course you have to pre-heat the oven...
Of course step 1 would be to remember to take the cake OUT of the oven first. At least it wasn't a complete loss. But geez. 

MW was still happy.

He was really into his party this year. And kept begging to open presents and then eat cake. A boy with a plan. Apparently this is his new face.

I made him a tent for his room, but I need to sew a few pieces together to make it work. Looks like he liked it.
He made the best faces. This is Lo's gift to him. Totally thrilled!
He loved all his stuff. I was so proud of everyone for keeping the party gifts minimal this year. It was perfect.
Cake time!

He gets so embarrassed? scared? nervous? when we sing him Happy Birthday. The day of his actual birthday the 3 of us burst into his room and started singing to him. He ran out and sat in the living room with his face covered. So different from the socialite. aka Lo.

We gave him the mouth piece. Any guesses as to why?! :)
Ah, and here we are with the GPs. My mother was giving me a hard time about my P365. She felt as if the GPs were not included near enough. Well, here you go mom. I may or may not use these. :)

It was a perfectly low key party. We had thought about doing another joint birthday bash at the Y again this year, but at the last minute I opted against it. And I am SO glad. 1. Honestly, I just don't get the big over kill we do on toddler parties. I think it is okay once in a while, but year after year it gets to be exhausting; especially people who have more than one child. I had maybe 2 big birthday parties from age 1-31 and you know what-- I turned out mostly okay. No major counseling issues to speak of. ;) Sometimes intimate family parties are best.
2. They are expensive and I would rather just focus on investing in my kids with my time and money.
3. We all were sick and we would have had to cancel if other kids were involved. So it all worked out.

Happy 3rd Birthday Micah. I can't believe how fast your are growing up.
MW: "It's okay mom, I will be your baby forb-ever"

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