It is such an amazing feeling being a mom, there is nothing like it, and you can't begin to understand such love less and until you become a mother! I believe being a parent gives us a glimpse into the kind of love God feels and shows us every day! You would do absolutely anything for you child(ren) even when they don't deserve it! This Mother's Day really had me realizing how much I have taken my own mother and (father--but it isn't father's day) for granted! They both have done more for me than I ever deserved. They continue to love me unconditionally even when there were probably moments in my life I didn't deserve that either. So thank you Mom (and Dad!) I love you both very much!
This Mother's Day was made very special because Chad and I dedicated our daughter to the Lord Saturday night at church. It is such an important gesture to show you are committed to raising your child up in the Lord and allowing family, friends and fellow church members to come alongside you and help you follow through with your commitment. I know this doesn't guarantee her salvation but it is a step in the right direction. It is our prayer that she will grow up and accept Jesus into her heart and follow hard after HIM! It is also our prayer that we as parents set the ultimate example for her, she is a gift from God not to be taken lightly. She was chosen by God for us to raise and to one day return her to Him! I love my baby girl and I thank God every hour practically that He chose her for me!
Here are some pictures of her baby dedication! She was so good! No crying...I was a little worried she would scream up there, but I gave that worry over to God, because this was about HIM and not US! Prayer answered.
However before we left I was taking a few pictures with my sweet princess in her darling little dress, when all of a sudden I hear and explosion in her diaper! I rush to the changing table to quickly change her before it gets all over her beautiful dress, BUT instead (thankfully???!!!) it was all over me! Not a drop on her outfit! Can you believe it?!?! Of course it was quite the task to get her changed and continue to keep her dress clean, but we managed it! Got to love it!
Notice the different outfit I am in! :)
The Baby Dedication at New Spring Church aka Messiah Baptist
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOMMIES OUT THERE! (especially those of you celebrating your first one...there are so many of us!)
Man, babies always explode right when you're about to leave the house! ;) We got to see little Ori be dedicated at Julie and Ian's church yesterday. Sweet babies everywhere. You and Chad are doing an excellent job! Glad you had a great 1st real Mother's Day!