
05 May 2009

Baby Steps

This weekend was a big weekend for me. I left Lo in the care of her Grandma Rachel while I attended a movie! It was so hard for me to leave her. I haven't been away from her ever for longer than maybe 45 minutes while I ran to the store. Plus, she still refuses a bottle so I really feel tied to her. I was secretly hoping that she would take a bottle while I was gone but no such luck. However, it was fun to be baby free for those few short hours with my husband! I really needed that time even though most of it I spent worrying and torn...but remember baby steps!
Then on Sunday I put her in our church nursery so for once I could be apart of church. Usually once the "light show" and music is over, Lo is done! And then I spend the rest of it out in the lobby! Plus, there was no where for me to go to nurse her except the bathroom and quite frankly I was tired of dragging a chair into the handicap stall with my arms full of a baby and diaper bag! Again dropping her off was hard, but I knew I was just a few feet away if they needed me! I was hoping that maybe they could be successful in getting her to take a bottle, but again no such luck and at the very end of service my number flashed up on the screen! But at least they have an area back there for me to nurse more going to the bathroom! Honestly this was my whole purpose in taking her to the nursery! Re-con! I am fairly new to this church and don't know all the ins and outs yet!
So while it was tough to leave her it is important to my sanity to get out WITH my husband! (or grown-ups).

I have also discovered this book called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child and while it is wordy and has a lot of scientific facts in it, it is helping understand how important her sleep is (it is NOT FOR THE WEAK) and how to reclaim it! So I am currently on a mission to get her to sleep better! So far it is going well. I have managed to get her to take naps (short ones) outside of her swing!!! That is a HUGE achievement in itself! So again baby steps!

Sadly these are seriously the ONLY pics I have of her sleeping!!

Nothing is more precious than a baby sleeping! I shall keep you posted on how it goes, and I am ALWAYS open to suggestions!


  1. I used the book Baby Wise by Dr. Ezzo. Didn't follow it totally, but I did schedule their eating once they were over a month old, although not as strictly as they suggested. My "easiest" kid slept through the night at 7 weeks and my "hardest" one 13 weeks (because I made him--I just let him cry one night).

    I know they say not to do this, but I had them sleep on their tummy for naps only. I always put them on their back at night. All four kids have been great sleepers.

    Just suggestions. Do what works best for you. And enjoy every moment. Blink and Lo will be 10 like Brookie!

  2. We couldn't get Kathryn to take a bottle either. We tried everything, but when she was 6 months I got a tooth infection and she had to take a bottle. She went 2 days with out eating and Mom crying on the phone to the doctors and Wick because I didn't know who else to call. They said to watch and make sure she didn't get dehydrated, but she would eventually take it when she got hungry enough and she DID! We didn't go back to breast feeding because I didn't want to go through that again. Oh, we also started letting the girls cry themselves to sleep at about 6 weeks. Within a few weeks we had no problem with bed time, but they were still up in the night a couple of times. It is hard to know as a parent what to do, but remember we lived so sometimes the advice of parents and grandparents is worth it even if the Doctor says NOT to do something.


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