
15 October 2009

Hey I am 8 months!

Hey everyone I am 8 months old today! I am getting SO big (well, not really since I am still a "shortie" as my mommy says...something about only being 24.5 inches tall still, but it only makes me cuter.).

Here is what I have been up to this past month (or should I say into :) ).

I like to greet mommy after my naps like this.

But when I was first learning I would sometimes get stuck and mommy would have to come rescue me! Thank goodness she was there to help! I still fall and go "boom" a lot but mommy says I just need more practice, so I have been practicing pulling up and standing on anything I can reach...nothing is off limits. I am the baby gotta love me!
I am a good kitchen helper. I want to learn to be a good cook like mommy. The food she makes me is yummy and I love ALL of it!

Here I am "helping" mommy in the BIG kitchen.

I really like to watch the pup pups outside. I wish it wasn't so cold so we could go out and play! I miss my swing! :(

Daddy helps mommy by giving me a bath every other night. I like to pull up in my tub so mommy and daddy have to keep a close eye on me!
"Hi! Mommy, I see you!!"
Mommy Edit: She is starting to reach her hand out whenever you say "Hi" pretty sweet.

I love to look at the pretty clothes mommy dresses me in everyday...I am not convinced I don't have a twin? So I kissed her since she is pretty cute! ;)

Mommy says I am such a good little shopper and helper. I tried to help mommy put up the groceries but couldn't reach the cupboard to well.
Well, that is all I want to tell you, but mommy says I left some stuff out so she will fill you in!
Love ya!

I think she did pretty good for her first post. But I haven't blogged too much lately so I am just going to get it all in now!

My little Big girl is into EVERYTHING! She learned to crawl forward (finally) on Sept. 22! And life will never be the same. She is also pulling up and walking around the furniture...yes, walking! As if crawling wasn't enough we are about to embark on walking. I give it a month before she is full blast...but then I thought she would crawl faster then she did, we shall see.

I had to include these pics to show how little she is still.
When she was born this was the outfit we were going to bring her home in. It was 3-6 months I was thinking it would be a smidge big but she would grow into it quickly. However, when she came out at 6#10oz 18.5 inches, my mom went out and got the NB size. Which as you can see STILL didn't fit and the picture lady had to tape her in it to take the pics!
Well here we are at 8 months and can finally wear our coming home outfit...crazy right?!
Sorry for the trip down memory lane, but sometimes you need that.

We are still a super good eater. We are eating more and more finger foods and I think she is really enjoying feeding herself! We got our pincer grasp going and loves to stick fuzz and even dog food in our mouth!! (Thankfully, she hasn't swallowed the dog food yet! GROSS!).

She still doesn't have any teeth yet! A little werid, but hopefully they will all come in at once and fast so we can just get it over with. Perhaps, my little reward for 5 months of colic, yes?!

I am loving watching her little personality and smarts develop. She is so sweet spirited and loving. She always is crawling over to me and giving me hugs or to boot Toby out of my lap. She knows family faces and is a pure delight to take out and about...we love to shop people! (To bad she isn't Melissa's daughter ;). She is figuring out that some of the toys are the dogs and she actually gives it to them! That cracks me up!

Leighton is still being a great sleeper and naps are getting much better. Takes 2-3 good ones per day.


Look at that face?! I am fast forwarding to when she is 14 and well...we may be in trouble :)
Happy 8 Months Baby Girl!!!


  1. Sophie climbed into my lap as I was reading this post and said, "Who is that?" I told her it was baby Leighton and she went, "Oh, she's so cuuuuuute!" She also kept saying, "What is she dressed in?" so we had to talk about all the cute clothes. :) Looks like fun times over at your house!

  2. O Chele you are too funny or should I say LO is!! Lo if you are reading this you did a great first post!!! She is just so cute and happy and I love being her auntie!!


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