
23 October 2009

Show Us Your Life-Fall Decor

Well it is time for Show Us Your Life again. I sort of missed out the last few weeks...

Anyway I really excited to see how others decorate. It always gives me really good ideas to try or dream about doing! HA! I grew up watching my mom decorate the house for all the seasons and she always does such a lovely job...probably should just post her pictures. :) Now, that I have Leighton I want to do more and am going to start slowly collecting things to put out but for now this is all I have and I wanted to share it because I think it is so cool!

My pumpkin snowman. I LOVE this. My little sister knows how much I heart snowmans (mens?!). AND how much I love fall. One year for my birthday she carved me this pumpkin and I LOVED it, but was so sad because as all pumpkins do it rots and you have to throw it out.

The next year she and I got together and bought fake pumpkins from Micheals and made this everlasting snowman for me!

And my other lil' pumpkin

So like I said I have a few knick knacks of fall stuff but no overwhelming fall decor to share...maybe next year! But I am ready for when it comes to Christmas!! :)


  1. So cute! I love the pumpkin snowman look! Great job.

  2. Awww but I think the little girl pumpkin is cuter than the snowman pumpkin!! hee hee

    I am in the same boat as you, so we better hit up some good sales once fall is over!!

  3. cute pic with your baby and pumpkins! it made me realize i don't have a single picture of my own baby girl and a pumpkin. i better get on that! :)

  4. Thanks for stopping and commenting on my blog! I know what you mean about eating the candy corn - that's why I don't do jelly beans at Easter!


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