
11 May 2010

15 Months

Leighton, here is what you have been up to this month, you busy little girl. :)
(again just a bunch of random pics from the month. Enjoy)

*You now know how to go DOWN the stairs on your own. You can also climb down or jump (from a seated position) off the couch/bed whatever you are on. You are quite the little daredevil, just like your momma!

We can drum AND sing.

*Mommy is finally realizing you actually can remember things. You know where to find just about anything and everything, I can no longer "pretend" it isn't there you are too smart for that.

*You follow simple instructions such as "go get your shoes." I am always amazed how you understand me.

*You are getting two new top teeth (your lateral incisors). This makes for a grand total of 6 teeth.

Language Skills:
* You still don't talk much. You say "dada," "mama" (still only when you are mad), "go-go-go" and "duck" of all things. You seem like you are on the brink of a talking explosion. Of course, mommy also thinks that about everything you seem like you might do and then you like to wait 3 more months, so we shall see.

*However, we are communicating well. You are almost always able to show me what it is you want if I can't figure out your "uh uh uhs."

You know how moms style their daughter's hair just like theirs?!

*You do mimic our tones in your own little Leighton language. I really wish I knew what you were saying to me so adamantly!

*You are now eating PB for your lunch sandwiches. You seem to really like it and always ask for more.

*You are starting to get a bit particular about your food. Plates have to be turned just right. The food can not be mixed together (ie in salad form).

*You are not a fan of grilled meats...boy are you in trouble this summer.

*You are eating more slowly now and you are working on using a spoon and fork by yourself.

*You don't like ice cream, or maybe you thought it was mashed potatoes (which you hate)...who knows you weird little child.

Sending Auntie Meg off to her SENIOR prom!
Doesn't she look H-O-T-T hot!

*When you do like something you say 'mmmmm' it is pretty cute, how into your food you get.

*You are staying up later! You make it to 7/7:30pm almost every night. While I like that you went to bed early it really boxed us in if we were ever out and about.

*You are down to TWO naps. Usually one is long and one is very short. You decide that. :)

*My current favorite thing you do is sometimes you cry when I put you down for bed/nap. To get you to stop I just say "shhh, your babies are sleeping, don't wake them up!" And you stop just like that. Such a thoughtful mommy! (you not me).

Favorite toy(s)/book(s):
*Baby dolls are your favorite toys.

*Your favorite books are: A-Z, A musical 'Here comes Peter Cotton Tail,' and 'My Little Word Book'
*You can even identify in sign language some of the pictures in the "My Little World Book" we are so impressed.

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
*You are quite the comedian. If you get a laugh out of us you keep doing it over and over. You even come up with your own ideas to get laughs.

*My my my you are a very emotional and sensitive child. Your little feelings get hurt so very easily. I can't help but laugh at times because you will just "work" your little self into a fit. You will start shrugging your shoulders up and down, and sniffing your nose until you build up a good cry. I personally hear the Academy Awards calling your name for Best leading Actress. :)

*However, you are such an obedient little girl, so hardly ever am I upset with you. You always do exactly as I say...I really hope this continues.

*You do not like your hands to be dirty, just like your daddy. This made making grandMother's day gifts difficult. Let's just say you were not a fan of plaster of Pairs.

*You already are living "Green." You know what belongs in recycling and put it there, all with out any promptings. Again you astound me with your observations...

*Finally, you are so neat. You know the old saying "a place for everything and everything in it's place?" This was the creed I was brought up in, and Lo it is hard wired in you. You put everything away right where it goes without being asked! Seriously, this is craziness?!?! Where do you learn this stuff. (Not, your daddy that is for sure! HA!!)

Story time:
I am not trying to brag on my kid, because I don't think she is more advanced than other babies her age (not that I would know, since I have never been around other babies), but I am seriously in awe of what she figures out and hears. For instance:

The other day I was on the phone to my sister. Landrey, my niece, loves to read books. We were discussing this and how I wished Lo liked to read more. All the while Lo was outside playing within earshot of me. Next thing I know I realize she has gone inside. I go in looking for her. She wasn't in the living room. Weird, she usually doesn't go far. I start down the hall to see where she had gone. She comes out of her room with a BOOK! A BOOK people. She totally heard me talking about reading and went inside to get a book for us to read. That just blows me away.

Wt: 17# 2 oz. (0%): Yea!
Ht: 27 in (0%): This needs a little improvement...
Head circumference: 17 in (1%)
Shots: 1--and getting far more dramatic about it. She cried for 15 minutes over that 1 shot. When she was 2 months old she cried for 2 minutes over 4 shots...go figure. :)

Overall, a perfectly beautiful and healthy baby girl.

Thanks for tuning in to this month's edition of Watch Me Grow.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to these posts every month!! She is miss smarty pants, juts like her mommy!! I am glad to see that she has picked up on all me cleaning/organizational skills!! GO LO!!


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