
16 September 2011

Micah 8 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Wow. Is the best way to describe this month.
Wow. I can't believe it has been 8 months. Wow. I can't believe I have survived 8 months of screaming, crying and projectile vomiting. I call it like I see it and while I love you more than you can even imagine, it has been such a rough go your first birthday will be as much of a celebration for me as it will be for you. HA! You are not an easy child, you test my patience daily and each day I truly think it will be different, I am starting to see a happier side of you and praying this is the month it all changes. This is the month I get to have a chill, relaxed and happy baby. And finally, Wow. I can't believe all the cool tricks you are learning you are such a strong little boy and I do really love this stage of watching babies/kids figure out life.

32 weeks

Forward crawling, putting yourself into a sit position and pulling up on everything in sight are the big ones.
You are trying to stand unassisted, but just can't quite figure it out yet.

Met your Uncle Kreg and cousin Hollis for the first time.

So happy about meeting his uncle Kreg.

Hollis and MW meeting for the first time!

We also had Uncle Kreg lower your crib while he was here. :(

Language Skills:
Still not saying any real vowel sounds. Starting to coo again. They say boys are early walkers and girls are the talkers. {Even though Lo was an early walker and late who knows.}

First trip to the State Fair

You still nurse 6-7 times per day and eat breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. Mostly a lot of cereal, but I have been trying some of our dinner foods such as spaghetti, meatloaf, turkey etc. You seem to like them, only problem is you puke it all back up, so I tend to stay close to the "clear" foods instead of the red and orange kind that stain my carpet. :/ You are also eating veggies now as long as they come out of the can and aren't frozen. {I am one of those moms that doesn't buy into buying pre-packaged baby food organic or not, it is stupid and a ginormous waste of money in my opinion, the food I make for our whole family is way more nutritious and it teaches my kids to like what I make, not the crap in a jar. ::steps down off soapbox::}
Still hoping to get you on a bottle, but no luck. I am ready to wean.

Sleep is so hit and miss, nothing consistent. Majority of the time I can count on 7-8 hour sleep stretches followed by another 3ish hour stretch starting at about 7p. However, there are those all too often nights that you wake up every 2.5-3 hours. So frustrating. You take 2 one hour naps/day and sometimes a power nap around 330/4p.

Favorite Toy(s)/Book(s):
You are into everything. Nothing is safe or sacred. Your favorite toy or book is whatever your sissy has, let the sibling quarrels begin. :/ But you do love this little Lighting McQueen car and boy tool set.

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do:
You are a puker {I don't even want to call it spit up anymore} and when you puke you play in it. Such a boy.
Still a squirrel to change and dress.
Loves his blankie.
My mother has sung "Because He Lives" to you since birth to calm you down. Most of the time we tease her about it, but really it is your favorite song. When you are in one of your Micah meltdowns it is the only song that catches your attention long enough to calm you.
You aren't a paci baby, but after every nap/sleep I find you with your paci in your mouth just playing with it. Just makes me laugh. Mommy is easily amused.

My little Mama's Boy.

The best way to sum you up is when you are happy you are so very happy and playful, but when you are upset you are very upset. Nothing makes it better. I feel like this month may be "the month" we can turn the corner, but then I am hopefully each month that passes.

Stats/Dr Appts:
Wt: 14#5z
Ht: 25-26in (my guesstimate)
We put you back on all your meds because the doctor thought now that you were older it would work this time. Wrong. I am starting to add dairy back into my diet, just a very little per day at a time. Not that I believe at this point that was the problem. We are slated to go back to the pediatric gastro doc and take another stab at this. To be honest I only go out of desperation. I am hopeful each time they will come up with the magic solution, but usually I get nothing.

Happy 8 Months Micah Bear!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, WOW!! 8 months totally seems just around the corner to 1!! i hope he gets happier for you too. Looks like he has hit the mobility milestone and just took off with it!


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