
16 October 2011

Micah 9 Months {Watch Me Grow}

Nine months! We are 75% done with this first year. Hip Hip Hooray! I love seeing you turn into a little boy. I can only imagine the fun that is yet to be had as you grow; having a boy is the best. But you will always be my sweet baby boy.

Holy Cow, I'm NINE Months!
Look at those puppy feet he needs to grow into. Once he starts growing he is going to be huge.

Here's what you are up to this month:

Milestones: You are pulling up on everything and attempting to cruise. Your even starting to push your walker a few steps. Ah so exciting. And you are starting to climb the stairs. Mobility here we come.

Bless his heart, he is really allergic to something we can't figure out, thus his face.
And my PS skills aren't good enough to fix it. :/

Language Skills: I swear you said "mma" {momma} while crying in your crib. Other than that just babbles and squeals. Sometimes I do think you try to sing with me too. Pretty sweet.

Sissy and you are just a hoot.

Eating: You nurse 3-4x per day. We were weaning, but then you backslid a bit and with your up coming surgery, I just want to be able to provide you me with that comfort. You eat oatmeal and dry cheerios for breakfast, turkey and yogurt for lunch, and whatever we have for dinner for the most part. You are starting to get your pincer grasp down.

He loves to eat. HA!

Sleeping: You take 2 naps/day. Averaging 40minutes to an hour. You go to bed around 645p and for the last few nights been sleeping until 4a and then going back down until 7a. Progress. Not great, but I will take it. One day I will sleep again.

He is all snuggled up with his giraffe it was the sweetest thing.

Favorite Toy(s)/Book(s): The potty. I swear it beckons you. I will sit you in the living room and the next thing I know I find you in the bathroom. Oy! You also like the DVD player and pulling DVDs off the shelf. Nothing is off limits to you. You will find a way around it. Having a boy keeps me busy. Lo was never like this.

Anecdotes/Quirky things you do: You have the cutest little laugh. You are always wanting to be part of the fun. You are still the most difficult child to change. I actually have to change your diaper while you are on your tummy. I dress you while you crawl away from me. You are just busy. busy. busy.

Your favorite song is "Because He Lives." My mom sings it to you all the time and you definitely know it. Whenever you are distraught it can instantly calm you. Crazy.

Being Mr. Independent and Playing. Can I get a Alleluia!
I wish I would have started a quote book on all the things I hear about your eyes. Seriously people he is wide eyed, I get it. I see him everyday, I don't need your commentary. HA! It is the only thing people notice about you. But it does make for some fun captions for me.

Temperament: You are really turning into a sweet, sweet boy. You are a bit clingy, but can play quietly by yourself or with your sissy. You are my little snuggler. After naps you just snuggle and snuggle me. I love it.

Micah and his Great Grandpa Pocky. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.

Stats/Dr Appts: after nearly 3-4 months with NO wt gain in 2 weeks you shot up 10z!, but alas at your 9 month well baby, 2 weeks later you stayed the same, sealing your fate for surgery on the 21st.

From his initial scope sx.

Wt: 14# 12z {0%}
Ht: 26in {1%} In spite of all of this you are a little weed.
Head Cir: 17in
Clothes: 3-6m
Diapers: 2 swaddlers

Seriously, I LOVE YOU!
Happy 9 Months Micah Bear

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