
28 November 2011

Decking the Halls

Well, it is that time of year to drag out your red and green totes and deck the halls full of Christmas cheer. I love it when it is done. I wish it was "prettier" because I am horrible at putting things together, but hate doing it. This year is especially difficult because it is a new house and layout. For the last 4/5 years I could do it blind-folded, but this year I had to think. Never good for this tired momma.

Leighton has been very excited about decorating. Giving her input on where the tree should go and where to put things. Surprisingly for an almost 3 year old she is really good at it!

Anyway onto the decorating:

First up putting up the Nativity as a family. We read Luke 2 and place the pieces accordingly. Although we realized that the wise men never came up in the story {last year we read a kids version}...weird. Then Sunday at Church our pastor spoke how the wise men didn't come to visit until later and there were probably more than 3! This was riveting information to me this morning. I learned so much about the history of wise men that I never thought about before! {This kind of thinking is good! ;)}

Then we decorated the tree. I may or may not be particular about how the tree is decorated and may or may not always appreciate a little someone's help. :)
Micah, ever helpful in destroying the tissue paper.
My two most favorite ornaments. Lo's and Micah's first Christmas ornaments.
{Lo's-shoes and Micah's the "silver" spoon}
Not too thrilled with how all this turned out and please ignore the HIDEOUS border in my kitchen, a project re-do for another day. ;)
But I do love these little acorn Santas my grandmother made. How cute are those?! I have always wanted to make more but have yet to get around to it.

The mantle needs a little something more...just don't know what that is yet.
This is my idea for our Christmas stockings...not sure it will get accomplished this year, but it is in progress. The silhouettes are done (thanks again to quick photoshop tutorial I found via pinterest) just finding time to actually put it all together...

Our attempt at getting a cute Christmas light photo of Micah...these are way better than that one anyway! ;) HA!

Our halls are now decked and the season has begun. I am really trying to focus this year on giving back to those who really need it and teaching and preparing my heart and Lo's heart for what the season really is about. God's plan to rescue us from a fallen world!
Merry Christmas! And let the traditions commence.


  1. I want to do the Christmas light pic too!! I bet ours will be the same--ha ha you reminded me of that cookie monster cupcake pintrest you showed me...nailed it:)
    I like your decos!! You did a good job!! I really like the silhouettes so cool!!
    Cannot wait to come over rand see it all and see you all!!

  2. cute! That's too funny about the light picture. Just last night wade said we should get out a string of lights and let Ellie sit and play with them and get pictures! must be a good idea!


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