
18 February 2013

Kids Say the Darndest Things

While driving she sees a car that looks like Meg's Saturn...

Leighton: I like Meg's car. Saturns are all over. I don't like the KU bird on it though.
I like papa's car better because he has a WU shock AND a K-State Wildcat now. {We got my dad one of those "house divided" license plates for his birthday.}

Micah was running around the living room when all of a sudden he just STOPS!
proceeds to bolt down the hallway to the bathroom, where he promptly pulls down his underoos, climbs up all by himself and goes! {HUGE MILESTONE!!}

Leighton is telling me this all the time:
"Don't worry mom I will take care of MY brother, he is MY son."

I was telling Lo that Grammy and Meg were going to babysit, but Meg was sick {with a sinus infection}, so she may need to help take care of Meg instead.
Leighton: "Mom, I will tell grammy that I will babysit my Micah, but I can't take care of Meg TOO!" HA!


One afternoon, ending in "y" I was telling Chad how I dislike our poodle Tucker. I can't stand his barking and our next dog can not be a barker...we should get a big dog because they don't bark as much as little dogs.

Chad: "You know what animal doesn't bark? A CAT!"

Lately Leighton has been into chewing on things-her hair, her sheets, her clothes, and her lovie, poodle. I can NOT tell you how gross this is. I repeatedly tell her it is disgusting and not to do it.

Later she comes up to me and says:
"Mom, you won't believe this but Ella {her stuffed Elephant friend}, chewed on poodle! You are going to have to wash poodle because now he smells like vomit!"

M: oh "ella" chewed on poodle did she?!
Lo: "Yes mom she did, I told her not too and now she is going to time out."
M: "well as long as you are dealing with it..."

So many things wrong with this, but it is too funny to be mad.

1 comment:

  1. These never get old!! So so FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tell Chad that his I LAUGHED so HARD!!
    Don't be mean to Tucker--I miss my piper so MUCH!! So one day you will miss that--okay I am lying, I absolutely don't miss his barking at flees farting or whatnot, but I miss HIM!!


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