So the last 10+ days have been some of the longest I have experienced. Matter of fact this entire month may be the longest month ever, is it ironic since it is the shortest? Never sure on my irony. :)
Yeah, yeah, we have all been sick around the globe, but for me and mine we are seldom ever sick. Ever. I have never realized how for granted I have taken our health until recently. It all started in January when Lo puked in the middle of church, followed by mommy and daddy getting slammed. We had 1 relatively good week and then right before their birthday party MW comes down with croup. Which is such a scary thing to listen to; I was so afraid he would just stop breathing! Insert sinus infections (me) and now the actual flu.
Right before the first round of the "Blizzard of Oz" hit MW was acting really lethargic and whiny. Then he kept complaining his wrists hurt (namely the previously broken one) along with a high fever. So high momma didn't need a thermometer to tell me. I didn't get it. Then he threw up (which apparently is common in kids with the real flu, not just the tummy bug) and then had some terrific diapers every.single.night. Still didn't get it. We just snuggled on the couch and watched Kai Lan and Deigo until I wanted to scream!
In the midst of this the snowstorm hit. We got around 12 inches the first time. I hadn't seen that much snow since I was a little girl and it probably wasn't that much! It was awesome and we had fun playing in it.
These were on Wednesday afternoon when we just got 4ish inches and were in our "lull" before the overnight "Blizzard" hit.
Thursday morning we awoke to this:
I couldn't believe it. Our meteorologists are always so wrong, that I wasn't going to believe it until I saw it.
Best "hill" we had to sled on. HA!
Later that evening we went out again for more exploring. They love to explore out back wooded area.
Daddy had fun teaming up with the neighbors and shoveling 5 driveways!
Although Micah loves the snow he wanted to just go in. So we did and there we laid for the next 2 days. Mommy STILL had no idea...just assumed it was another tummy bug.
By Sunday round two of the hyped up "Blizzard of Oz" that never really came was slated. As was apparently Lo's turn at the flu. She tossed her cookies that morning and then proceeded to lay on the couch just staring at the wall. If you know my child at all, she is NEVER like that even SICK! That night she woke up screaming her legs hurt, her fever was off the charts and well let's just say I am glad she still wears pull-ups at night. I get her cleaned up and a little Motrin for the pain and put her in bed with me. As I am drifting off to sleep I finally put two and two together it's the flu. Now I feel bad because MW was trying to tell me and I just didn't get it. Of course thanks to the Blizzard that was completely missed forecast ..I mean they were WAY off, embarrassingly so, the entire state including doctor offices shut down for nothing! And I couldn't get her in to get tested. Oh well, she still would have had to suffer. By Tuesday I am down.
Monday night we did finally get more snow, just not the 12+ inches of blizzard conditions that were promised. Should I be sad or happy about that?!?! HA!
Tuesday surprisingly Chad got another snow day so we went out for a bit to bring some joy to a little girl's face!
Finally made some larg{er} snowmen. Are first one was so tiny he drowned in the overnight snow. :(
The trees were gorgeous, like Bob Ross painted them! My photog skills do them ZERO justice.
Micah was feeling better and decided to help daddy shovel with is sand scoop. HA!
My neighbor, is so creative I hate her. Just kidding. :) They made their "snow" family and one kid is doing a handstand, so we posed by it and pretended it was ours! HA!
So here we are, 10 days later, but who is counting, still suffering the backlashes of all of this as the kids and I keep getting flare-ups. :( I just want to be well. For good. I promise never to take our health for granted again. Amen.
Leighton has been bored and sad that she didn't get to play in the snow too much and with her friends. It is sort of a bummer, all this snow and we haven't been able to really enjoy it. But I am trying to teach her to be appreciative of what she did get to do and enjoy. Life is not always sunshine and roses.
But I have secretly enjoyed every.single.second of snuggle time with Micah and Leighton when they were at their neediest. I have very busy kids, and they don't sit still long enough for me to hold, especially Leighton, so that is our silver lining.
Two kids feeling a bit better. I love how they love each other. Sometimes when I wonder why I had two, I just think of these moments.
Speaking of silver lining, have you all seen that movie "Silver Lining Play book" so good. I loved it and it was a fun night out with some girls to escape the sickness for awhile!
Good-bye February and Hello to what I hope is a HEALTHY! March!!
Well hope your luck is better than ours--Kreg had the actual flu right after Christmas, it is super scary, even for adults. Then the kids got it, I am the only one who did not get it b/c I had the meds to prevent it b/c I am diabetic and preggo. BUt I hate to tell you, I swear it was that flu that made us all so weak to pick up every little germ out there and get sick from it. We are hardly ever sick either, esp. Kreg and the kids so this is a whole new NOT FUN ball game for us too!! They did say the midweat ESPECIALLY was really suffering from all these virus and flu junk. I think it is a truly bad year for it.