
12 November 2013

State Fair 2013

Headin' to the fair.
I love the fair. It is full of childhood memories to me. Up until I married Chad we hardly ever missed a fair.
Chad hates the fair. He only tolerates it because his favorite daughter loves it and begs to go.
This year we decided to forgo naps and go right after lunch, because someone had to work in the morning. Yes, me. I do work sometimes. :)

I wasn't sure how MW would do sans nap, I knew Lo would be fine considering her taking a nap is considered a miracle; but he did fabulous!

And we're off. It was a gorgeous day unlike last year, a bit hot, but tolerable.

Whenever the kids see horses they always think of their cousin Landrey. So here is a horse picture just for you Lans!

Watching the bear show...didn't quite make it in time...

Now most little girls would be thrilled to see princess Cinderella. No Lo she was more into Mr. Incredible in the back.

Waiting on the train. Grammy's tradition with them.

Wet 'n Wild time. When Lo was just a tot we came across this splash area. We weren't prepared for that, but it was hot and I couldn't refuse a little girl a run in the sprinklers. Now we know better. I pack suits, towels and extra clothes. We are pros now!

Finally the rides. This is the first year for rides. We went on dollar day as to not have to take out a small loan to afford 2 rides...I mean really $4 for one 30second ride?! Get real. Both kids loved the rides. MW stuck with all the cars and Lo she was looking for a thrill.

So I put my hands up...the butterflies fly away...

The tilt-a-whirl. My mom and I's all time favorite ride. Today we added a new generation to the fun. Both kids would just scream for glee. We loved it.

Then there was the spider ride. Lo insisted she could ride it. So she and Meg got on. Let's just say she survived, but she most likely will hold off for another year or two on that one again.

The time of his life!

Sass being well sass. After the spider ride these rides were L-A-M-E.

Ah, the roller coaster. MW was freakin' out. Lo kept him fairly calm during the ride, but his face was hilarious. He wasn't sure whether he wanted to cry, laugh, scream or jump off.

Chad looking on with such excitement and enjoyment. Bless his heart he tries, but this may be his last year he is invited. :) Did I mention he HATES the fair?!

We really ran out of time to look at stuff and see animals due to all the fun on the rides, but we did manage to hi the birthing center on our way out and saw these newborn baby pigs. So cute.
And that was our whirlwind day at the fair. The kids didn't even cash out in the car on the way home they were so pumped. It was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Fun post!! Landrey loved the horse!! Made her evening. I love Lo and her sass and her love for the rides:) What a cutie!!


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