
10 November 2013

Pumpkin Patch

Back tracking a bit to the pumpkin patch.
This is a tradition we started when I turned 24 as a way to celebrate my birthday. My sisters, you see are born right after the 4th of July; their birthdays have always been surrounded in hoop-la of the 4th festivities and mine well, let's just say they at least never forgot my birthday. And before you say, "ah, poor Michele", please know that I hate my birthday. I have for quite sometime. I am not sure I really even cared about it as a kid, presents sure, but a party and tons of attention poured on me; not really my style.

Anyway, apparently 24 years later my family felt bad that my birthday wasn't a full on hoop-la bash like my sisters and started this, most likely they just wanted to go to a pumpkin patch and used me as an excuse. :) Just kidding; I think...

Now that we have kids of course the pumpkin patch is a must. We use to frequent Papa's Pumpkin patch, but now that my parents moved it didn't makes sense to go there, so we tried Apple Jacks. It was awesome.

Micah, loved this teeny tiny slide the best. When we went to the fair, which I am aware has yet to be recorded into history, patience grasshopper; he loved all the rides. Even the big rides. Then a few weeks later we went to our city's carnival and rode the same tilt-a-whirl, and ever since then he has REFUSED rides...I am not sure what happened, but this is as good as it gets people.

Unless of course you count bouncy things as thrill rides. Oh my word I thought the child {MW} would NEVER EVER get off of this bounce pillow. I thought I would throw up and die after 5 minutes. It was very wild with a 1000 kids jumping and jumping.

Yes, I am aware these pictures are horrible and need edited. 
But you get what you get and you don't...pitch a fit. :)

Sass on the other hand had exploring to do.

Finally coaxed MW off the bounce pillow. For now...

Sass loved the train. MW again refused to ride this crazy train. HAHA get it...

So they are 2 years apart and pretty much the exact same size. Nuts.

Pumpkin time!

So Mr. Big Shot thinks he can ride a bike like sissy. So I had to "nonchalantly help." It was a good workout and he was none the wiser. :)
Petting zoo.

Zip line. Sass is a thrill seeker. She will do just about anything. Just like her momma. MW gets his safety Marshall attitude from his paternal side. :)

Hip Hooray one last jump before closing time!!!

Oh and then there was my birthday...remember. Yeah, I am 29 and 24m old. Congrats to me. I officially side with parents now on tv shows and don't appreciate these "youngster" mentalities. My youth is officially gone.
The End.

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