
16 January 2016

MW 5 Year Old Photos

Once upon a time I got this ingenious idea {from pintrest I am sure} to take my little boy's photo in a tie. I wish I would have gotten the idea when he was a newborn, but gasp---Pintrest was just a little tiny beta dream back then. Shocking...I know. 
However, I decided then that I would do my best to re-create said photo at ages 1, 5, 8th grade and senior graduation. 

My friend and photographer did his ONE year photo for me. This is my favorite.

I put the tie away knowing it would be YEARS until he was five...guess what it wasn't. It was like minutes. I don't know how we got here so quickly, but we did. My teeny tiny 4.5 week early preemie baby boy is five. He's my last, so it is a big deal. He is my little buddy. He shops with me, and snuggles me. He talks my ear off and makes me laugh. I am going to be all alone when he heads off to kindy next August. I may hyperventilate. It's no secret this mama didn't want a stinky boy...but oh my word how wrong I was. He is just one of the best things God has ever blessed me with. And well, now he is five.
And it was time to take the 5 yo tie photos...

MW was trying so hard to smile and be natural and Thatcher he's like look mom this is how you do it. HA
I call this a boy and his dog. 
 This face {next 2 photos}...well it sums him up. 

 And one with the beloved Blankers. I think he looks a little Toddler GQ cover model here.

And then of course a collage of the photos.

Happy 5th Birthday Micah!!!


Of course sissy was on laugh and smile duty during the photo shoot and then had to jump into the lime light herself. 

1 comment:

  1. These are really good! Love, Love several of them! MW looks pretty grown up! Grandma Rachel <><


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